OK, I really do have something happy to report!

Thanks to our friend Laurie who is providing some interim boarding for her until Jess moves to her new barn. Laurie has just rescued a nine million year old Arabian mare and she and Footy are keeping each other company! (That is her big ol' tail in the pic) Yay Laurie! The nine million year old Arabian mare is looking for a forever home, so if you're in the Portland, Oregon area, e-mail Laurie for info.
Miss Lucy, the recent auction rescue, is over with Stephanie Korhel now and she is working with her. She reports that Lucy is very sweet (yes, she is!) and she is doing ground work with her. I'm sure Lucy is broke but at this point we're going to try to get over some of the headshyness and the fear of things touching her butt before we move to under-saddle work. She is also available for adoption. Lucy is in Enumclaw, Washington.
If you're in the Seattle or Portland area and interested in a companion horse, I know of quite a few Quarter Horses that are available for a year lease. This is kind of a nice scenario, as you're not stuck with them forever - if you need a short-term, returnable companion, e-mail me. A few are broke/rideable, two have good open show potential and one of those has been successfully shown by a youth. Purchase possible on some of them if you fall in love, terms possible. Site check/contract/no barbed wire, the usual conditions apply.
Now something for the AUSTRALIANS: I have had an inquiry from someone trying to fatten up an old TB mare in Australia. Problem is, she is talking about feeds I have never heard of, so I feel clueless! Can you Aussie senior horse pros give her some advice as to what to feed an old girl? She is currently getting 4 kg. of Mitavite Gumnuts senior feed and 2 biscuits of lucerne hay daily. (Gumnuts? Biscuits? WTF? I'm an American, I'm lost!) They've done the teeth, deworming, etc. What would you recommend, that is available in Australia?

Have a GREAT weekend everybody and good luck on your shows/trail rides/training!