I know I have a lot of new readers, so I want to post this. This is the Sugarcreek auction in November 2007. In case anybody reading this is still laboring under the delusion that they can breed low end horses and make money - read it and weep. If anybody thinks it is ok to not appropriately train horses that you breed - see what happened to the ones who couldn't be caught.
The polo pony just kills me. Hey, loyal readers, if you ever find a polo pony going to the killer at an auction? JUST BUY IT. I'll reimburse you and we'll get it off your property within 2 weeks. I cannot stand the thought of a polo pony ending her life in a slaughterhouse. Same goes for starving ex polo ponies anywhere...contact me. I WILL get involved.
This was sent to me by a rescue. I will leave it to them if they want to "out" themselves in the comments, I didn't have a chance to ask them. Either way, I'm very grateful for the ones they did save that day (and would love updates).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STB, looked sound, harness marks - $350
3 BIG untouched Percheron broodmares - $275 a piece to the killer
Very nicely built and nicely colored Paint weanling - $100
Not as nicely built or marked Paint weanling, burrs in mane and tail - $20
BIG dark red dun QH, lots of white, sound but we couldn't touch him earlier - $350 to the killer
Cute little sorrel QH type weanling - $100
Pair of large grade ponies, cute, couldn't catch them earlier - $150 pair to the killer
Thin old sorrel mare - $40 to the killer
Big bay QH, we caught him earlier and he wasn't broke - $600
QH type weanling, sorrel - $60
Quiet teenage QH - $150
Very sweet and gentle QH mare that we caught and rode earlier, lame in her hip - $50 to the killer
Scrawny but nicely marked grulla paint, good size, would have bid but we couldn't catch him earlier - $40 to the killer
Several Belgians in a row, all sound, we rode a few, they went for $200-250 to the killer, one went for $300 to the Amish
Lame old Standardbred - $150 to the killer
Super sweet Standardbred, harness marks, looked like he'd been through a WAR, lame on all four legs, scrapes everywhere - $100 to the killer
Standardbred - $275 to the killer
UGLY but DUN donkey, really overweight and kicked the shit out of everything - $160
Standardbred, harness marks - $250 to the killer
Cute QH mare, we rode her earlier, gentle and sweet, bay, sound - $225
Standardbred, big - $300 to the killer
TB, neurological or vision problems, cute chestnut - $50 to the killer
Young Haflinger, under 2, we couldn't get near him earlier but he was cute - $30 to the killer
Standardbred, lame - $30 to the killer
QH type - $125
Appy.. (that's all I wrote??) - $275
Really loud, stout Appy gelding, good looking, tried to rear when we rode him and beat the shit out of the other horses in the pen - $40 to the killer
Pair of teenage grey Percheron geldings, scared to death to be there, huddled in the back of the kill pen and defended each other - $60 FOR THE PAIR to the killer
The thickest Belgian gelding I've ever seen (he looked like a cartoon horse), really quiet, we rode him, under 10, had an infection and swelling in a rear leg but was sound on it - $225 to the killer
Standardbred, harness marks - $250 to the killer
HUGE Clyde cross mare, hadn't been ridden in three years but rode and drove, we rode her around and she was quiet, bay, lots of chrome, 12 - $600
Draft mule, baby of the clyde mare, 4 years old, never been touched, close to 17 hands - $250
4 year old paint mare, supposedly broke to ride but spooked when we tried to get on her, nice markings, 3-400 pounds underweight - $100
Paint mare's ugly ass untouched weanling - $30
BIG nice Canadian TBs with papers, 5 year old mare, was at the track last spring, sound - $375
other TB mare, 13 year old, momma to above - $300
Four of the sweetest TBs, they were all love, straight from the track. One was lame in the shoulder, one in the hip, and one was lame on all four legs. The fourth was sound. They all went for under $300, two went to the killer.
Big grey mare, supposedly ex-polo pony, $200 to the killer
Our purchases:
Cole, young QH/TB?? bay, quiet and sweet, good weight, wasn't ridden in but they said 'broke to ride' (haha) - $135Blue, 6-8 year old palomino pony gelding, lots of chrome, blue eyes, really skinny, wormy, and covered in rainrot. This guy doesn't have great conformation (OK it's horrible) but he was SO SWEET and quiet in the pen, we figured with some weight and little bit of finishing he'll be a cute kid's pony. - $90
Isaac, bay QH, late teens. This guy is also SUPER quiet, he is skinny and really wormy, but a very nice little horse. - $10
Polly, aged black pony mare. We felt so sorry for this girl, she deserves to be a kid's Christmas present. Absolutely bombproof, and even at this age, sound!! - $30 (Pictured)
Layla, teenage grey Arab cross. This girl we saw right at the last minute. She's tall and sound, very prissy but a nice little ride. - $85
One of our big donors has been looking for a draft, so their daughter came with us. She bought a horribly emaciated sorrel draft for $10. He has the best personality and he trotted sound! Probably in his late teens. We aren't sure yet if he'll make it, but we couldn't leave him. The owner of the sale house actually was upset we bought him. He said the horse was down earlier and he was worried we were going to make a "poster child" out of him and bad mouth Sugarcreek. We don't believe in doing that and hopefully no one else will either. It was not the owner of Sugarcreek's fault that this horse is in the condition, it is the fault of whoever starved him. You can't badmouth slaughter and sale houses for selling a skinny horse. The big horse made the trip home fine, he had diarrhea pretty badly so we were worried his digestive system was shot. We got him home, gave him IV fluids, IV dextrose, a shot of B, and lots of nice soft hay. He was balling it pretty badly so we all spent a few hours cutting up the hay by hand. ; ) The next morning, he had solid poop, and he hadn't even laid down to sleep. He even neighed at me at pawed when I came in the barn. That horse is NOT ready to die. ; )
In other news, I visited the two "worst case" Mason Cty. horses tonight, the two I originally went to the property to see, and what a huge difference. The person rehabbing them likes to stay discreet, so I won't name her, but she is doing a stellar job. The mare has gained SO much weight, it's incredible. The gelding is growing a hip muscle and filling out in his neck and over his ribs. Both horses are perky, bright, alive and very very very interested in food, food, food. Again, thanks to Save A Forgotten Equine for getting these two to safety!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
It's been a while since we've had an auction report
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 10:37 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Why do things right when you can intimidate with pain?

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:34 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
What is this, Fugly Buckskin Stallion week?
Horse Pony Welsh Stallion - $900
"Orion is a beautiful 3 1/2 year old buckskin stallion. He is 11.2 hands. He is very calm and loving. He was halter broke at a young age, leads well, does well with the furrier. Loves to be brushed. He would be a easy horse to break. Great 4-H project, kid safe family horse. We love him and wouldn't part with him, however we just don't have the time for him. He has a lot of potential and with enough time could do about anything. To good home ONLY, references will be checked. Re homing fee is $900.00."

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:18 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
But I'm a rescuer! GIMME GIMME GIMME!
Just an egregious example of the "I think I'm a rescuer, gimme gimme gimme" syndrome posted here. This is a Paint breeder who has decided they are opening their "EQUESTRAIN RECUE DIVISION." And OMFG the spelling. I am sorry, but here are some highlights:
*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* My God. Can you spell your own names? And of course, they have a list a mile long of shit they want. They want volunteers to do everything around the farm and also volunteer vets. They want wormers, vaccinations, all kinds of barn supplies including "water trofs." They want saddles, bridles and halters to sell to finance the rescue. They are even asking for a "stock type trailor." Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme...GET A DAMN JOB, LAZY ASSHAT! (He actually calls himself the CEO of Dream Maker Farms. DELUSIONAL! DELUSIONAL! DELUSIONAL!) But hey, I'm sure they will do as well rescuing as they do breeding. After all, nothing says "responsible breeder" like standing a deformed fugly paint at stud! LOVE the use of the saddle to cover up his back. That is awesome. Don't even try to tell me you ride that thing.
Heck, who needs to be able to canter? Hey, maybe we can breed him and Miss Camel and make a whole new breed! We can start the Camorse Registry! He's only $1000 to buy!
And don't even get me started on their mares. You know you are a BYB when you brag that one of your broodmares was champion 4-H halter mare of DeKalb County!
Final touch - I am just dying now. They are offering their web design services. Ah, delusion, you know no bounds...
OK, now for some positive things...
Really amazing blog on the rehab of a Thoroughbred who had never been out of his stall in 16 years. I internet-know this woman and she has helped me previously with a rescue...the horse is in very good hands and the organization funding him is accepting donations if you would like to help.And here is the update thread on the Mason Cty. stallion previously featured on the blog. Thanks to all of you who contributed, I can't tell you how grateful I am for the extra help with this guy!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 10:50 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Bucky needs a cold shower!
"BUCKY is 15.1 sweet as can be and ready to have fun making more foals his past foals are very big and stocky contact me for a great deal weather u want to breed just one mare or a heard"
*sigh* Bucky would not be a bad little gelding. He looks like he's built to stay sound. He's just fugly. He's got a fugly head and a fugly neck and he's pony sized and I'm guessing he doesn't have any papers. Actually, he looks like something our professor friend from the other day bred! After all, he is a dappled buckskin and QH-Mustang cross looks about right. Another day, another stud that shouldn't be...
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 11:29 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Just when I think I've seen the worst thing on the Internet...
Wow. Wow. Wow.
My faithful readers know that I do not shock easily, but I have to say that I read about today's "rescue" with my mouth hanging open in utter astonishment. I just don't even know where to begin, and I'm not sure I can even snark about this because it is just ghastly and awful and I (standard disclaimer applies, note use of "feel" to clarify lack of action) FEEL like dragging these people behind my car with a big rope. And after you read all of this, you will too. Original link.
Just to summarize, this is a deformed filly that lived three years. Those three years included being hit by a car and bitten by a rattlesnake, a couple guys trying to sever her spinal cord with a knife, battling massive infection in her hugely deformed leg and finally shot in the head after being down for God only knows how long. And I'm sure He knew because these asshats talk to Him ALL the time according to their site.
Allow me to quote from their description of Blaze's final days "With help, Blaze could stand. Then it came to the point where even with help, Blazes legs just couldn’t hold her up. In her weakening condition, Blaze would try to stand. She would try so hard to just sit up…but she couldn’t. She was quickly acquiring sickening sores on the underside of her body with the smell of death emanating from her skin."
While there are many other horrors on this site, including a rescued mare and foal behind barbed wire (the foal "didn't make it," imagine that), I want to focus on this one. YOU DID NOT DO A WONDERFUL THING KEEPING THIS POOR, POOR CREATURE ALIVE FOR THREE YEARS! Why are people SO damn death-phobic that they make an animal suffer like this? The entire story is a horror from start to finish.
The vision of this filly lying there unable to "sit up" and covered in sores is not one I needed swimming around in my head. And these asshats have a 501(c)(3). OMG. And they're our Bad Parents du Jour, as well!
And of course they take Paypal.
As they say on their site "With the opposition we receive from government entities and local people, we trudge on." Why let animal control stop us? We're gonna keep that filly alive! It's the will of God! He told me so!
Folks, we really need a better system for evaluating what is and isn't a legitimate rescue than a 501(c)(3) application. Any thoughts on licensing rescues? I'd like to see them evaluated and pass a test before the tax status is granted, since after that it's just a gimme-gimme-gimme free for all. What do you think?
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 10:33 PM
Discussion: Today's episode of As The Barn Burns
I just pulled this post off another board. The names have been changed to protect the guilty, but it makes for a good topic. WHY is there always SO much drama around horses and horsepeople? Are we all mentally unbalanced? Seriously. Why are there so many horsepeople of both sexes who never quite grow past dealing with others via the same petty nonsense they employed in the 8th grade? Is there something about horses that keeps us eternal teenagers in every way, unable to resolve differences of opinion, personal or business disputes like mature, rational adults? Discuss.
(And yes, the spelling is pretty entertaining, too!)
"I just joined this board. As someone who rode at BARN until recently I have to comment. The problems at the hunt club started last fall when the incoming dictator, I mean President, decided as his first act to fire B. Then he refused to negotiate with C and T AT ALL saying take it or leave it (the 2 things they asked for were that if they did not have lessons lined up at the club, that they could teach a client off campus and that if they had more show riders then the 6 barn could handle, they would overflow into the empty 5 barn. These we're things that had historically always been done). When the show barn people voiced their objections asshole president T said anyone who doesnt like it is welcome to get out. So out the entire show barn went. He said to my face that he was 'taking the riding program in another direction. Were not going to be a show barn anymore. We'll keep doing the one days, and local shows like the SHOW, but not the big shows anymore.' These people do not understand that they are now pariahs in the show community. J (who T likes to call our 'nationally renowned trainer' what a joke) seems to think that she is an equal to the trainers who left. Her first clue that she wasnt Queen of the May was when she went to the shows last summer and was burried in tent #2001. In Vermont this summer she shows up the first week and is in the second to last tent. She goes to BG to complain, after all she's BARN. BG says ok a lot of people are leaving this week I'll move you to another tent. She comes in the next week...now in the LAST tent (and this is the guy who has managaged the June show at BARN for years). I also loved this summer they sent the horses to SHOW with no meds, no feed, no bedding and no water buckets. She made up for that by overmedicating some of the ponies at finals and got caught. After getting rid of the show people, T gave B's job to R who, while a very nice lady, had never managed a barn in her life. He got K as letter head, but he doesn't teach there at all (probably just as well , talk about screwing the juniors) and brought in this C person no on ever heard of who hadn't ridden in years, and who was ARRESTED last week for trying to run her husband over in her car during a domestic dispute. (FHOTD in: I am almost POSITIVE I know who this girl is - was she married previously to another A circuit trainer? Ooooh boy do I have some stories to tell if that's the same woman. And can someone give me her phone number so I can call the beyotch and demand she give back my custom made slim calf size 6.5 Dehner boots that she stole in 1991, that I will never be able to afford another pair of again?) At least C understands that the kids are not going to get a ribbon in the Eq and has pulled the kids out to do the childrens jumpers instead. I give it 5 years befor they are building houses on the grand prix feild. And in a * while Rome burns moment, they are now putting in a $250,000 ice skating rink. Well, we all have our priorities. The BARN is shot thought the heart, it just hasn't fallen to the ground yet. E is spinning in his grave. I especially liked how after they fired B, the club still thought they could use his dad's name for the "E Horsemastership program'. Ummm, T? There's no such word as Horsemastership. Yep, he really knows what he's doing...yes siree."
FHOTD back in: Jeee-zus. And for those of you who think I am always making fun of the lower income folks, this post is entirely about the higher income folks...who are just as batshit from the sound of it!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:44 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Rule #1: The horse should be bigger than the saddle!
An alert reader sent me this lovely picture posted on a board a friend of mine refers to as "Horsedopia." This is a 2 year old Rocky Mountain Horse that they are about to ride for the first time. Folks, if you can't find a saddle small enough to fit on your horse's back, that might be clue #1 that he has some growing up to do before you start riding him. The only good thing I can say about how this saddle fits is that it is clearing his withers. However, it's way too big for him. It's pitched forward and all the weight will be digging into his shoulders. See how far the cantle is up in the air? Then we have the too loose, totally ineffective breastcollar. Painful. Just painful.
Today's Bad Parent du Jour!
Why? Why? Why???????
Who wants to breed to my fugly grade stallions? Only $50!
WHAT is wrong with its front left? It looks like it is growing mold. Is that all scarring from the barbed wire? And why in the name of all that is holy is it still a stud?
No day would be complete without a response from a Front Page FHOTD Feature, so here you go. He is referring to this blog entry, and my comments are in blue.
"you are a very smart and intelligent person!!!! Why thank you, I agree. first of all on the ad about the two year old child broke filly. you have not a clue (about?) any history on this horse before you ran your mouth. this horse was purchased in ohio at an auction. (Where you sure as hell didn't pay the $1500 you are now asking for her. What'd she run you, $150?) she was being ridden all over the grounds by three small amish children at the same time. (And you thought riding triple on a 2 year old was such a good idea it was worth bragging about in your ad?) i didn't breed her. (I didn't say you did. I asked who did. She is a train wreck.) i felt sorry for her. i don't ride, so she isn't carrying me. she was very underweight and now she is getting plenty of good grass hay and suppliments so that she can grow properly. she is turned out and isn't being ridden. we don't forsee starting back to ride her until spring, when she will be coming three. at least she isn't on the race track, or is that acceptable for them to race at 2 years old?? (I'm opposed to riding 2 year olds period, whether it's racing or three Amish children.) i wouldn't have bred her but i can at least help her chances at life. wonder what would have happened to her had she stayed at the sale? slaughter? more abuse? (I'm all for rescuing from the auction. It's the riding her as a two year old and the positively ridiculous claims in your ad I was snarking at.) so smarty pants... instead of running your mouth, how about helping me find her a good home. (How about you price her for the market? $1500 for a conformational train wreck tobiano filly just isn't going to fly in this market. It might also help if you stop representing that she is going to mature over 16 hands and become a foxhunter. This is no more true than the idea that I am going to mature 5'10 and become Paulina Porizkova. If you want her to have a good home, misrepresentation is not a great place to start! Now, I hope that helps.)"
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 9:54 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Shall we pray for a less loony owner for this poor mare?
Disclaimer: No, I am not doing this to offend every Christian in the world. I am doing this because this person is nuttier than a coconut cake. My comments are in blue. Arabian Horse - $1
Reply to: sale-546759820@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-01-21, 12:38PM PST
Many of you may think this is crazy, (good, good, admitting you have a problem is the first step!) but for those of you who understand... (and the baby Jesus figurine that you have entire conversations with) please read on: I love my horses more than I can express. I am crying so hard as I write this I can hardly see the screen. I have worked so hard and have spent money I don't have just to see a passion and dream come true (still working on that). (You're in SoCal. You think you're going to be famous, don't you?) I love the Arabian for their beauty and loyalty but I have been raising a training Thoroughbreds (A training Thoroughbreds? Do they train other Thoroughbreds? Nifty!) to produce that one great race horse (That I have as much chance of producing as I have of becoming famous!) . I want to continue to train my racehorses but I need to follow God's plan (Doesn't God disapprove of gambling? You sound like God has entered into a merger with Off-Track Betting.) . I have acheived much but as I suffer through a tremendous financial struggle, I contiunue to ask for the Lord's direction, blessing and help. (Here's a clue sunshine: A second job will do a lot more to get you out of your financial hole. Trust me. Works every time!) Here is where you need to understand me; everytime I pray for the Lord's direction, I believe He is telling me to sacrafice my first born...an Arabian mare now 10 years old. (HOLY SHIT, HIDE THE KNIVES!!!!! I think I saw this person once on an A&E True Crime Special!)
The following are the Bible verses that explain where I am coming from:
(Sorry, far too painful to post, you can read the original ad if you really want to check out the scriptural references) I can not get away from what I feel God is trying to tell me. So I will sacrafice this beautiful purebred Arabian to only the BEST home possible. (Whaaaa? OK at least you're not going to, like, knife her and smear her blood on your door or something.) But you must understand the following: She must be returned to me if she does not work out for you. (I hope you're planning on a contract and not just hoping it's the will of God that she'll be safe forever.) I will be completely honest about her: She is 10 years old and spoiled rotten. She does not know that she is a horse. She was rejected by her mother at birth and raised with 2 Golden Retrievers so she quite literally believes that she is half human and half Golden Retriever. (Mismanagement of the Orphan Foal, 101, now being taught in lecture room 416!) You must have a gentle hand to ride her and be very experienced. She must go to a home, not a stable. (Did you want someone to keep her in the foyer, perhaps? Is she litter trained?) Her name is My Celestial Fire, by Fire an Ice out of a Straight Egyptian mare, Nabiels Mareekha. She is golden chestnut with a blonde mane and tail and stands about 14.3. She is overly sensitive and HATES other horses. (Since you raised her with dogs and she has no idea what they are) She would be ideal to have a home where someone had no other horses and just wanted to have a wonderfully beautiful companion. (That they don't ride, because it sounds like she is a piece of work!) She does not like to trailer or take baths and does not like to get her feet wet or muddy. She is a Princess in every sense of the word. (Boy, would the Princess and I be having some discussions about who the Princess is around here if I got ahold of her? You know it. Trailering is NOT optional.) She would not make a good mother as I firmly believe that she would try to hurt her own foal. (Does she have the mark of the Beast on her somewhere or what?) Remember, she does not believe that she is a horse. (She told me so) So if the Lord's leads you (Lords? Lords a leapin'?) , feel free to email with any questions. But I do hope that by offering her up for adoption, God will bless and find another way. (Since you can manipulate Him emotionally like that. Works EVERY time.) Thank you. (No, thank you and everybody like you, for providing Fugly Blog Fodder since May 2007!)
FHOTD in: This mare is not fugly. She needs an upgrade to an owner who is more sane and less permissive. And hey, she is free! And if you live in the San Diego area, we would LOVE for you to go look at her...and then report back to us in great detail about this seller. I am sure it will be worthy of reality television. You may want to bring a film crew!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 9:43 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Follow up: Seattle area AC situation horses
I know a lot of you have been waiting for an update and here you go...

To me, this is an interesting comparison because their structure is not dissimilar. It's just with her, you're seeing the stripped down version - not enough weight, absolutely no muscle, and the look of long term neglect and parasitic infestation. Needless to say, the first thing I did this morning was deworm her. Look at them, point by point, and see what the different points of conformation look like with weight and condition - and without.

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 12:55 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Desperately seeking a brain...
Every damn day, I see something like this:
Desperate Situation...7 Horses, Rehome $50 & up,
PLEASE read o.k. here is the situation; I have 7 horses that I need to find homes for
1.) 6 year old broke mare bred for spring B.S. Paint bred to a black/white overo stud 200.00
2.) 8 year old bay mare open had filly in the spring not broke but does lead,load and ties as well as stand for the farrier 100.00
3.) 11 month old bay filly out of the mare above has had a lot of ground work done and she is a real sweetheart she leads,loads and ties as well as standing patiently for the farrier 125.00
4.) 4 or coming 5 black pony mare bred for spring has had ground work done will make excellent 4-h project she leads loads and ties as well 125.00
5.) 1 wild pony mare sorrel in color and is bred for spring 50.00
6.) 1 wild pony mare black with white star bred for spring 50.00
7.) 8 month old filly out of the black mare listed above she is skittish but with work she would make a great kids pony #6 is her mother. 75.00
Then I have an older fruehauf horse/stock trailer in good cond. Easily can haul 10 horses. It is a gooseneck trailer with electric brakes. 1500.00 Please help me save these horses from the auction on Saturday thank you..... Please email for pics and other information.
p.s. none of the above horses are registered.
FHOTD in: I'm sorry, I have to go now. My head exploded and splattered all over my desk at work. Besides, I bet you guys can write the post for me by now. Let's see, what are all of the things that are wrong with this person and what they have done with horses? I bet we can make QUITE the list.
I should have a good update on some horses from the AC situation later today with pictures...will try to post this evening so that the day contains some good news.
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:57 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Stupid is as stupid does...
For those of you who hate it when I make fun of low-IQ folks who can't master spelling and grammar...today is your reward. I'm about to rip a college professor a new bodily orifice. Possibly two. (Thanks to twinkltoz on the message board for finding this classic example of doing everything wrong because you didn't bother to do your homework.)Instructor develops 'wild' horse cross-breed
Just a few quotes about Dr. Dimwit here...
"Graber, HCC human relations and psychology instructor, raises and breeds wild horses. He has breed mustangs to quarter horses to create a breed he calls "Buckskins."
Yes. He created buckskins. Just like Al Gore invented the Internet!
"At first, he didn’t sell any of the horses he’d bred because he wanted to see what he had.“It takes two to three years to know what you got so if you sell them as a colt you might be giving away a good horse.”
1. Good breeders can look at a foal and know what they've got. You can't, because when it comes to horses, you're an ignoramus. And you'll actually know what that word means when you find this blog and start ranting back at me! Awesome. I can't wait.
2. Even though you admit you haven't the talent to "see what you've got" until the horse is two or three, I bet that didn't stop you from breeding for those three years! Nope, you kept pumping 'em out, didn't you? What if they'd all been shitters? Well, hell, it wasn't like you were going to admit to it if they were.
"Many of those interested in Graber’s horses are cowboys using them for roping horses in rodeos.“Cowboys haul their horses all over so their horses may only last three years,” he said, referring to foot problems arising from riding in horse trailers. “So they are trying to find horses that will last longer.”
WTF WTF WHAT? Foot problems from riding in horse trailers? Polo ponies get hauled to the field 3x a week and they don't have "foot problems from riding in horse trailers." I know road founder exists but it's rare. And who are these cowboys whose horses only last three years? Strange, I keep coming across roping horses who've JUST been retired at 20 or 25.
"One of the main factors in the selling of this special breed will be the unique color and markings.“My goal is to see what kinds of colors I can really come up with,” Graber said. “I’m really trying to get Buckskins with dapples.”
Because those aren't already on Dreamhorse selling for just $1000...and $900....$900...and hey, $350!
"Every horse that he sells is only halter broke. He lets the buyer break the horse for the type of work that they want it to do.“I try not to teach them any bad habits,” Graber said. It usually takes 90 to 120 days to get a horse broke to a halter while trying to work with them everyday."
Only if you're the most incompetent moron on earth. Is this for real? Hey, Dr. Dimwit, I bet I can halter break anything on your ranch in a week. Bet you $1,000!
"Graber has kept track of a few of the horses he has sold."
How impressive. A few. What a great guy! But I guess it is hard to keep track of them after they become a steak and get exported. And at these prices for a three year old, you know that is their destiny!
"One is being used for barrel racing and another is being used for working cattle in a feedlot in western Kansas."
How convenient, he's already AT the feedlot!
"My favorite part of the breeding is due to the fact that I teach psychology and human relations; there is a lot of carry over,” Graber said."
There is indeed. You need to ask yourself what kind of sick ego trip you're fulfilling by creating mixed breed fuglies in an oversaturated market and throwing them out to face their destiny with no training. Physician, heal thyself!
"When raising horses, a popular goal is to have a gentle horse that lets you enter his three feet of space.“You know if you’re doing it right if a horse walks over and lays his nose on your shoulder,” Graber said."
A popular goal? OK the kid who wrote this clearly wasn't a horseperson. But seriously, who among us can't get within 3 feet of their horse? That's like saying my goal today is breathing. Well, shazam, I reached it! I think I'm going to blow off work and go out for margaritas now to reward myself! (That does sound good...)
Seriously, dude...you're a college professor. Did it never occur to you to find out what was marketable or educate yourself about what happens to mixed breed, untrained fuglies before you started blithely creating new life? At least those folks I make fun of who can't tell the difference between bread and bred have the stupidity defense. You don't even have that! This bothers me MUCH more.
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 10:24 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I wasn't going to go there, but I fear I must..
This is only vaguely horse-related but I'm so squicked out by it that I must comment.
Would you discuss this on the net?
What about this?
Good LORD people...did your parents teach you no shame?
Go talk to your doctor! Nobody wants to hear about this! Nobody!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 2:37 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
I am really getting sick of seeing horses like this
The person who rescued this horse posted on Ebay looking for donations. While I want to note that I know nothing about this person and their ability/trustworthiness, and therefore cannot wholesale endorse the idea of sending them money, the story rings pretty true to me and I would surely be willing to risk $5 on it. Debbye sounds like she has a good clue about what it will take to restore the mare to health. Her web site shows horses that are in good health and weight.
I am glad this mare got rescued. This is sickening and disgusting ESPECIALLY if she really is only 18 (I doubt it, she sure looks 25+ to me but you never know.)
"I imagine in her younger days "Princess" the 18yo Tennesse Walking Horse mare was the talk of the "Barn" with her beautiful Palomino color and kind gold flecked eyes.
Unfortunately today she was the talk
Her owner dropped her off and left with no explenation as to why she's in this condition. Too bad it's so easy to drop of animals that are plainly neglected with no consequences.
She was purchased by a friend of mine for $30 and sent to my house for rehab. She would have definately gone to slaughter if my friend hadn't stepped in. She has a good appetite but will need dental work and special feed. She appears to be in good health otherwise and it looks like the lack of adequate feed is her only problem.
I'm hoping that some of you horse/animal lovers can help us out a little with her vet/feed bills. I received a lot of help with a previous mare "Doc Frosts Fancy" and will post some pics of her before and after so you can see how much a little help can change their lives.
Any donations will be greatly appreciated and will only be spent on her. Please help educate new horse owners on the proper care and maintenance of their horses so they don't end up in this situation. She is only one of many that has traveled down this road.
Thanks - Debbye Talamantez"
I'm going to reserve comment about stumping for $$ on ebay right now, honestly, at this moment I don't care if she stands on the street corner with a "Feed The Horses" sign if this poor mare gets something to eat. GOOD GOD who had this mare? How can anyone let a horse get this way? Yes, vets cost money but the Internet is something almost every household in America has (I believe I saw a 90 plus percent figure about that not too long ago) and even if you don't have it at home, it is free at the library. GO ON THE GODDAMN INTERNET AND FIND OUT HOW TO FEED AN OLD HORSE. It is not that damn difficult. I am so tired of seeing horses starving to death because of dental issues. It is making me crazy. Can't afford tooth floating, okay, all you have to do is feed them soaked hay pellets, at a whopping $10 for 50 lbs. Not exactly gonna break the bank, TWO PACKS OF CIGARETTES - you know a lot of these bottom-feeders smoke! These old coot horses who have served us all so well for so many years do not deserve this, but somehow I just KNOW that someone couldn't possibly cut into their cigarette and chewing tobacco budget to feed this old girl something she could eat. Selfish, selfish, selfish people...arghhhhhhhhh.
P.S. Kittens are doing well. They do need adopters. :-) They got dewormed today. More to come!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 10:29 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Seattle Area - A.C. Raid, many need homes
They're not available yet but they could become available very quickly so it'd be great to have homes lined up, whether foster or permanent. There are horses, pigs, cows, chickens, dogs and at least one cat.
A few days ago, I mentioned going out to look at some horses due to a scary Craigslist ad that made many of us highly concerned. As a result of my visit, and pictures that I wish I could show you but can't at this point, Save A Forgotten Equine rescued those horses. Their rehabilitation thread, for those of you interested, is here.
That was a week ago. Now, the property has been raided by Mason County Animal Control and there are now approximately 17 other horses available. I am heading out there this afternoon to try to look at what is left and make notes on condition/take pictures.
Speaking only on behalf of my individual self and not any other entity (I am not affiliated officially with any rescue other than the FHOTD Paycheck Depletion Fund), these people were fucking bottom-feeders (hereinafter we shall refer to them as the FBF's) and I would love to see ALL of these horses AND other animals go to good homes. If you are in the Seattle area and have space for a horse OR livestock OR pet animal, please post your e-mail to the comments along with what you can take and I will get in touch. Most of these horses do not appear to be in severe condition - they have rain rot, probably hoof neglect, but nothing like the horses I originally looked at. I believe there are also dogs (mostly Mastiff, at least one that I met is VERY sweet and just needs to be neutered), cats, other farm animals, etc. All need homes. I'm guessing everything small needs to be speutered. (It's a rescue term, look it up if you can't figure it out, LOL).
If you are set up to take a stallion (or a horse that will temporarily be one 'til he can get cut), I know there are 3-4 stallions there and I am particularly concerned for them. I don't know what Mason County's procedures are but I do know it is quite typical for animal control agencies to auction horses as they do not have facilities to house them.
I will know more late today but I wanted to throw this out there. I know many of you have done rehabs before, and we do have someone on site who is NOT one of the FBF's who can provide some information as to training levels. Some are definitely broke.
Particularly shoot me a line if you're with a Mastiff rescue. I'm really concerned - there are a ton of dogs and I do not know where they are right now but I'm guessing AC knows. Big dogs can be hard to place and I want to make sure we network these dogs with someone who understands them and can help. I do not want to see them go out of the frying pan into the medical room, if you know what I mean.
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:53 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Saturday Potpourri!
Yes, I'm trying to read all of my e-mail... you guys certainly have found the worst of the worst, as always!
I love Craigslist. Do you suppose I can get someone to pay me for the privilege of cleaning my stalls and picking my paddocks, too? That would be awesome.
Reply to: sale-502944935@craigslist.org
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:32 PM
Non Horse-Related but WAY too funny not to share!
I am working on something but, in the meantime, prepare to laugh!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 6:50 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Today's mystery: Gaited Horses + Idiots = Magnetic Attraction?
I seriously want to know this. Why are the most ignorant, idiotic horse owners in the world so attracted to gaited horses? It always seems that Rocky Mountain Horses and Tennessee Walkers are most often victimized by the scum-of-the-earth sector of the horse owning population.
Is that because they are so even tempered that any moron can ride them, or are there other factors at play? I mean, WTF????
"she is 14 months old,never been road much,barn keept,brown and white"
Look at him. You just know his name is Goober. (the poor critter is owned by "Tawynia." Of course it is.)
To borrow a term from COTH, I am aghasted.
So share your tales...why do you think the poor gaited horses have to deal with this, day in and day out? Do they simply need to learn to bolt like Thoroughbreds and buck like an Appy in a bad mood in order to protect themselves? How can we stop the insanity?
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:44 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Warning: Completely self-serving use of the blog's readership ahead...
As I posted in the comments to the last thread, I did lose my old mare, Tostada, with the heart murmur today. She had a 2 PM vet appointment, but decided to avoid all the things she disliked, i.e. vets and needles, by having an 8 AM heart attack. RIP old girl - I am not at all surprised that you dictated how things would go right to the end. Typical Thoroughbred!

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 9:52 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
We called the vet and he had ammonia!
Warning: Sparkly shit alert. This site will hurt your eyes!
Who makes a business web site like that? It looks like the cover of my school folder when I was 12 and we were all into stickers with unicorns and fairies on them!
One is a bottle-raised Arabian colt (raised on goat's milk, not "milk re placer," they are sure to point out). Poor little guy had a rough start. At four months, he started losing weight so they called the vet (ok, at least they have a vet). The vet "found that Amir had ammonia."
*headshake* What? A friend of mine heard this story and pointed out that perhaps he really did have ammonia, as when you keep foals in really nasty stalls you never clean, the ammonia fumes can burn their lungs and cause problems! While this is entirely possible, I'm still going with theory #1 - they think ammonia is a disease. Yup, and if you don't practice safe sex, you may contract harpies!

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 4:50 PM