I ask you. Is there anything about this that any of you think could have been a good idea?
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Who lets these people breed?
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 5:16 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday's Dollar Menu Selections...
I've said before that anything that you can buy for less than $5,000, minimum, is probably not stallion quality. Today I'm going to showcase some fine, fine, fine examples of that theory.
"TRUE BLUE ROAN proven breeder of color, baby on site. 60 days professional training at two years old [not ridden in last 2 years].Check out his pedigree and pictures and decide for yourself how much he could add to your breeding program.He has true black points no white.He has from what i am told Canidien Reining Champs in his Back ground. PRICE IS negotiable."
Oh yay. A five year old fugly clunk-headed, bad-necked, tail set on like an Ay-rab stallion that has not had jack shit done with him in three years. But hey, he is a "proven breeder of color" - I am guessing based upon the baby (singular) on site.
Hey, any "Canidiens" here want to tell me if he has Reining Champs in his background? LOL...Here's what kills me. You had this horse as a stallion and you don't KNOW what is in his background? Of course you don't. You only know he is a pretty color! And now you are hoping to make a whopping $1200 selling him. Negotiable.But hey, old roanie up there is looking darn good next to our next stallion for sale. This one's only $300! Yes, you heard right, to buy, not to breed to. This is a three year old, pony sized, unregistered Quarab...and he's a cryptorchid! Awesome. The ad says he is the DEAL OF THE YEAR. Well, if they actually get $300 for him, I agree it will be the DEAL OF THE YEAR...for them!
"Blink is a tremendously sweet, friendly 1/2 quarter pony, 1/2 Arabian. He has nice conformation, steady mind, a very nice head & eye... just a dandy, sharp looking little stallion. He would be a terrific gelding, or easy keeping stallion. Handles politely, tethers out on a long line. Ready to get started for riding or driving. The DEAL: we would love to see this great guy gelded and in a great family or home. You can either keep him a stallion, or geld him and still have a very little $$ invested. He would look spectacular on a cart or in the youth show ring - great 4- H project. We plan to have him gelded this fall...but will make it worth someone else's effort. (price will increase after gelding..or we may decide to keep him) One undescended testicle, but sired 4 gorgeous foals for us this year. Our hay supply is low/pony numbers high. Our loss=your gain...offers considered for the right, experienced home. (Note: in 4th photo, rider is quite tall and makes Blink appear smaller than he is)"
Yes, and it is only these pants that make my thighs look big!Here's another example of optimistic marketing. These people seem to believe the mere fact that something did not hit horse height means it is an ideal hunter pony sire. Since a straight shoulder, bad "nest" (yes, it's a word I made up, figure it out, deal with it) and downhill build are what I look for in a hunter pony...don't you? This is an 8 year old by the way...he isn't going to be leveling up. But hey, only $1000!
"Veto is a very athletic horse with a good mind. He will give you that flashy hunter/jumper pony you have been looking for. Was bred to a cow horse and that filly is posted on this site, Pocos Zip to Liberty. He has never been shown and is for sale. Im getting out of ponies. HE IS ONLY PONY BY SIZE. For more info contact me at truelly_2@hotmail.com"
I will say, his filly is way cuter than he is. However I find it highly amusing that "she has had a rope throne off her." Damn, that IS bombproof for a two year old!
All three of these are stallions-that-shouldn't-be. None of them are flat out horrible and each have some nice qualities but they will make nice geldings. Only truly outstanding individuals should be left as stallions. Stallions have the ability to sire almost unlimited numbers of foals in their lifetime and truly affect the future of their breed. If we only allowed the best of the best to stay intact, we'd see such a huge improvement in every breed that it would be amazing - more correct, sounder, more athletic horses even within the first one or two generations. Unfortunately the world is full of people breeding from stallions like you see above, and that's why the world is full of mediocre quality horses with no real potential to excel at anything!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 2:01 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Common sense is not so common...
I have observed in the past that Columbia Basin Equine Rescue is not, in my opinion, a rescue as they will gleefully hand out horses to anybody with cold, hard cash - including most notably last year, a bestiality practitioner who starved them (this fact could have been discovered in 30 seconds by googling the same e-mail address she used on their message board - but hey, why investigate your adopters? Then you might have to turn someone down and that might cut into your profits!). Well, today we have yet another story of a horse who went out of the frying pan into the fire, and it's a really good example of something I'd like to address here:
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:41 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Worthy of the front page...
One of my readers created this yesterday...ROTFL. Perfect!
moar funny pictures
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:32 AM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas...let's see who's been naughty and who's been nice!
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, everybody! I hope you are all having a great one and Santa brought you and your horses everything you were hoping for. Yes, I've had a great one and I'm finally over my bronchitis, for those who inquired.

The ad text: "His name is Fleet. He`s jet black with 4 white feet and he Registered Paint. Easy to ride. Age is 7yrs. He`s 15 to 17 hands high. He`s a stud. For more information call 1-419-929-1211"
He's also $4,000, since totally unaccomplished breeding stock Paints with fugly necks are in such huge demand out there. And WTF is 15 to 17 hands high? What, 15 at the back and 17 at the ears? 17 if you're using the metric system?
And WHAT is up with that FENCE? It looks like an abstract art project. Is that a loose piece of barbed wire dangling diagonally across the equally shitty wire mesh? Awesome.
More lump of coal winners:
Jumping lessons, they are your friend
Now here's an interesting pedigree (AQHA will help you with that, you know!)
Tax court determines you are a clueless BYB with more money than sense! My favorite part: "Temptation's stud fee was generally $500 if the owner did not want registration papers and $1,000 if the owner wanted registration papers" Lady, you are a prizewinning asshat.
Now, here are some breeders that I hope Santa brings a shiny new gooseneck to!
A FHOTD regular visited these folks and was very impressed. They have a 28 year old stallion in excellent condition. Their breeding stock is good quality and most have show records. Their young stock for sale are all appropriately trained for their age level which includes the fact that you do not see their 2 year olds under saddle yet. They get a gold star!
Here's what I like to see in a stallion. I want to particularly point out the shoulder. If you want to know what a great shoulder looks like, Artful Move has a great shoulder and it's why he could perform and his get can perform. I know not all of you like the AQHA headset - but look at the conformation. Uniformly good shoulders, hips, compact build, free from the shoulder. Compare this to some crippled up, can barely trot anymore nasty-pasterned halter horse and then tell me that Thoroughbred blood does not improve the Quarter Horse breed. B.S. The introduction of the right Thoroughbred blood has given us a modern Quarter Horse who combines an elegant look and free movement with a quiet, amateur and youth friendly disposition. It's a good thing.
Look, here is someone who actually got off their ass and cleaned up their broodmares for pictures. Makes a difference, doesn't it? Don't these pictures make you excited to see the foals, as opposed to some poor, muddy mare who hasn't had her feet done in a year and has a mane that looks like Britney Spears' weave? And isn't it nice to see absolutely zero crap, junk, shitty fence, children's toys, etc. in the background. People, really. It is not that hard to take a nice picture, and look at the difference it makes. (Yes, the fact that they're quality mares is helpful, too!) Anyway, another gold star. Hope Santa brings you something good.
Another breeder I love...for many, many years Sheila Varian has been not only breeding Arabians but - gasp! - DOING something with them. Her horses work cows and win at the Arabian shows with equal ease. She has specifically bred for disposition and performance and, shazam, that is what she got. I am the first to admit I am "not an Arab person" but I've ridden some horses of her breeding and they were just good, sensible working horses. There was nothing not to like about them. You did not know you were on an Arabian - i.e. they did not go OMG IT'S A BUTTERFLY HOLY SHIT MUST SPIN AND RUN FARFARFAR AWAY! Sheila has a ten commandments of breeding on her site that should be required reading for anyone considering creating an equine life. You can learn a lot just by looking at a picture pedigree of one of her horses and seeing how she has improved upon them, generation after generation.
All right, it's long past time for me to find coffee and breakfast...happy holidays all and I really do hope whatever you wanted is under your tree today! Enjoy this day off to spend with your family and your horses and tell me all about your day in the comments!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 6:03 AM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I love you BYB's, you are just awesome!
As I read through my 431 piled-up e-mails, I came across this gem:
Problem wanting to be solved
That is the link to my worrys. This person is giving unsportsly man contact with what she/he has writen. That info on there is mine. The pictures on there are mine. I would like you to help me find a propor solution to this. I want this deleted or erased. I want this user blocked from blogspot. Please get back to me,
1. You didn't e-mail Blogger/Google. You e-mailed me. I don't have a problem with anything I've done, therefore your demands are highly unlikely to be met with any action.
2. The problem is wanting to be solved? Sweetie pie, a problem can't want to be solved. A problem does not have the capability to even know it is a problem, much less want to be solved!
3. worrys = worries
unsportsly man = unsportsmanlike? Say what?
writen = written
propor = proper
4. I am getting back to you, Niki, per your request. I have no idea which fugly or collection thereof you're responsible for, because all you provided was the link to my main page. However, I appreciate the fact that you've provided my readers with yet another example of someone who is too dumb to be involved in horse breeding and should probably be provided with a more appropriate hobby. I believe a previous poster mentioned a Sea Monkeys breeding kit that we could provide to people like you so that you could exercise your desire for creation without adding to the slaughterhouse supply chain. If you'd like to show up and post your address, I'll get one of those out to you ASAP!
Merry Christmas!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 10:48 AM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Papers matter, they just aren't the only thing that matters!
There's been some discussion lately about whether or not papers matter, and I'd like to respond.
Are there idiots who finished college but can't master a form letter? Hell, I hired one once! (Still hurts my brain to think about trying to train her.) Are there extremely smart, competent, successful high-school dropouts? You bet, I know several.

Hey, he is cute. He would make a nice gelding if that foot doesn't bother him too much!

what a fine stallion prospect he is!"
ALL FOUR LEGS ARE SHIT. He's post legged and high hocked behind. He toes out. (Look at the below picture for a better view on the lovely front end) I've seen tied in behind the knee but he looks tied in in front of the knee, or is it just the knee is enlarged? Either way, if someone paid $6500 for this thing as a stallion prospect, they need their head examined. Plus he's got a "nest" and his tail's set as high as an arab's. Yuck. This one's actually registered, which is a good example that papers do not necessarily mean quality, either!

How is it that people buy horses like this? Do they really only look at the fact that it has a big ass? (Sitting on top of little feet...gee, I thought it was only the halter horse people who were to blame for little feet? Guess not!)

OMG. Nasty short croup, goose rump, as long as driving through Indiana, camped out, short neck, upright shoulder, downhill and a complete and total lack of any kind of balance or muscling. Hell, even the OWNER admits she is a fugly - but of course there is a justification for the fact she's had TWELVE GRADE FOALS. "Ya, well, so Frosty Flame isn't much to look at, but she sure produces gentle, pretty colts and they don't stay in my corral very long, so obviously her foals are better looking than she is!"

Um, no. They are not.
This is her daughter, who has pretty much her exact same conformation. Guess what they've been breeding her to? The buckskin up top. Four times now. Oy vey...
Of course, she is breeding mixed breed dogs, too, the kind that die every day in our shelters. Doesn't everybody need a mix of Heeler, Border Collie, Aussie and Black Lab? No? Really? She brags that her nasty mixed breed dog has had 21 puppies so far. Yay. Why are these things never sterile? As someone pointed out the other day, it's like Kevin Federline, and shit, the entire Spears family. (Now the 16 year old's knocked up too. And their idiot mother thinks she is going to write a parenting book. I know, I know, I digress...but really. That's like me thinking I can write a book on housekeeping. You have to accept that some things, you are bad at!)
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:21 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I think she should keep the horses!
Sounds to me like the horses have better dispositions! I say keep them and kick his butt out the door.

This poor little yearling is for sale with his "pasture mate," a 2 year old filly named Angel (note that Colt isn't gelded and so for all we know, may knock up Angel before the deal gets done). Note the big ass boat in the background, yet I bet they claim the drought and hay prices are responsible for how skinny the colt is.

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 2:39 PM
A Holiday Wish From Your Vet's Office!
This was posted on my message board by luckyducky, and I know you don't all read that so I thought I'd bring it over. It's well worth cross posting!
I have worked for a equine veterinary clinic for 7 years now. In that time I have dealt with ALOT and I would love to post my Christmas list up to see if any of my wishes come true.
1. I would like for all owners to call me and know EXACTLY what they need, or at least have a fair idea. if you are call for routine care, please have your records (that reminder we sent you last month is even better) ready.
2. I would love for people to remember that I talk to between 75 - 100 people a day, and there is more than 1 person working in our office. Please don't begin your call with "Hi, I just talked to you." Or "Hey, this is Jim" Or, my personal favorite " Hi, this is Beau's mom" Do you know how many Beaus we see? My favorite clients call and say " Hello, this is Joe Blow, and my horse Tuffy was due for his (insert info from previously mentioned Reminder) on Monday the 12." I LOVE THAT!!! (FHOTD in: Oh seriously. I HATE when people do that to me at work too. Oh, hi, blahblahblah...IDENTIFY YOURSELF! You are not my best friend and I DO NOT know your voice. While we are at it, slow down and let me get a word in edgewise and you will not have to repeat your story all over again when you find out there is nothing I can do to help you and you have the wrong department entirely.)
3. I would like clients to know when they are available to have their horses seen. Nothing is more frustrating then leafing through the appointment book 20 times trying to find a time for your horse to have a dental done between your yoga class and your child's tuba lesson. Set aside a few days for your appointment when you can cancel or move a less important appointment. Yoga can be missed 1 time without the world imploding!
4. I cannot promise that your appointment will not get bumped if my Dr. is taking emergencies that day. I wish that clients would not call and chew my ass because Precious couldn't get her Legend shot today due to the Doc being at a down and thrashing colic. If it were your horses colicking would you want him to stop for something routine? Please be patient with me. I want your horse to be taken care of as much as you do.
5. On that same note, I can't control traffic, weather, road closures, Dr. potty breaks, or anything else that would make him late to your appointment. I wish for clients who understand that and don't scream at me because they are at the barn 20 minutes longer than expected. @#%$ happens. (FHOTD in: And again, if you board, odds are your BM or BO will handle for the vet for you for a fee. If you are busy and on a schedule, JUST PAY IT. Don't sit there and be pissy because the vet is late. The vet is ALMOST ALWAYS going to be late, it's the nature of things.)
6. I wish for clients who treat the person on the phone with respect. I am an intelligent person, I know my job. Please don't talk down to me, or act like I couldn't possibly know what you mean when you say your horse is lame or has Cushings or whatever other problem you can think of. I have worked here long enough to know the ins and outs of equine vet medicine. (FHOTD in: And quite frankly, anyone who thinks they can talk down to whoever they perceive to be a "low level" employee is a royal asshat anyway. Grow up. You do not look cool yelling at some underpaid office worker, who for all you know is in grad school about to become far more successful than you will ever be.)
7. I wish for clients who can maintain a shred of composure when disaster strikes. If you have an emergency, I need facts. Don't say your horse is colicking and then not be able to tell me what is going on. I need to know, is your horse down? Has it drunk anything? How long has it been acting this way? If it's down can you get it up? If not, is it lying peacefully or is it thrashing? The same goes for lacerations, laminitis, accidents, chokes, whatever emergency situation you find yourelf in. No hysterics. I need a person on the phone who can give me directions if needed, and all the facts. If you can't do that, please put someone on the phone who can.
8. I wish for clients who understand that the advice I give comes straight from the Dr. I do not pull it out of my heiney. Yesterday, I got a call from a woman with a old horse that was down. not thrashing, laying peacefully. I told her as long as he was laying there, not rolling to let him be, but I could tell she was a "walker" so I didn't press it. I then left for the night. Well, got in this morning and found out she had gotten the horse up, and LUNGED it for 1 1/2 hours til the Dr showed up. Guess what, the horse wasn't colicy, it was laminitic. She chased that horse around for 1 1/2 hours on poor little laminitis feet!! (FHOTD in: OK, now I understand why some of you are anti-walking. The thought that someone could not identify colic properly had not occurred to me. I am 100% in favor of making them walk and/or light longing (sure as hell not 1-1/2 hours, I'm talking 10 min) when you see a gas colic start, but it seriously did not occur to me that someone could confuse symptoms of stomach pain with symptoms of foot pain. I guess you see it all when you work for a vet.)
9. Lastly, I wish for clients who will say Thank you, and good job. Not just to me on the phone, but when I'm out with the Dr. I may not have alot to say when I'm out there assisting, but I am working hard, and I always appreciate a pat on the back! (FHOTD in: Or something nice at Christmas. It is the holidays, folks...now is a good time to say thank you to those who have helped keep your horses together all year.)
Happy Holidays form your vet staff!!!
FHOTD back in: I'd like to add one more. I'm sure the OP would agree.
Know what's normal for your horse! This is SUCH a money saver as well as good for your horse. Just pay attention. If your horse who normally takes off running when he's turned out goes and stands in the corner, trust me, something is wrong. Call out the vet NOW and you will save money and possibly save the horse. Remember my story about how Lacy was picking at her feed and it turned out she had split her jugular open, right between her hairy, yak-like cheekbones? How often are you looking at the underside of your horse's cheekbones? I surely wasn't. It was the picking at her food that tipped me off and gave her ten more years of life.
And yeah, we all have "bad vet" stories so when you find a good one...treat them and their staff well and let them know you appreciate them!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:15 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I hate to say I told you so BUT DAMN IT, I DID!
Remember my feature on the FAR Ranch in Idaho?
Well I'd just like to update. The state or the sheriff or whatever seized Crazy Appaloosa Breeder Lady's horses and took them to auction where, shazam, surprise, how incredible, they were all bought by the kill buyers. At least twelve of them, at last report. Supposedly the rest are sitting at the Lewiston, Idaho fairgrounds now. Anybody want an unbroke, unhandled foundation Appaloosa? Rumor has it there's a sale tomorrow...will post details when I find out.
Of course, Crazy Appaloosa Lady refused to the end to give any of the horses to good homes. She only surrendered them to avoid prosecution - the usual story.
Thanks for breeding those 50 horses SO THEY COULD DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH. Good job, you stupid *insert word I want to use but will restrain myself from using.*
And yeah, not thrilled with the authorities either - but somewhat sympathetic to the problem of 50 unhandled, untrained Appaloosas being dumped on them in December in Idaho. Sad all around.
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 4:12 PM
Deck the halls with...an endless supply of lying, evil asshats!

rawlins, WY 82301 - Dec 18, 2007
This is Jake, he is 20 years old and broke for ANYONE to ride ANYWHERE. he is about 16 hh. He is in excellent health. Is utd on shots, and just had his teeth floated. I can put ANYONE on him even my 2 year old son and let him go. He is pattened on the barrels and does well. He does not get hot when you run him. I can run the barrels and get off and put my son on him and you would never know i ran the barrels. You can rope off of him and drag things and he does not care. He wil go anywhere by the freeway by a train nothing scares him except the flash on my camera. I would like to sell him because i need a younger faster horse to run barrels on and my son is getting a pony for christmas so he does not need a big horse.
And now for the RESPONSE ad:
Ogden, UT 84405 - Dec 19, 2007
Jake-Dead broke Gelding
I am SO disappointed in you! When I gave you Jake it was in good faith that he would be used as a lesson/babysitter horse and I told you he couldn’t be run hard due to his age (OVER 20) and his knee. You told me he would have a forever home and he would be used by children. I doubt that you have run barrels on him. AND, I gave him to you for free and you’re selling him for over $1,000! And how dumb is it to be so blatant and sell him on KSL where I had him and using his name? Duh?
DO NOT SELL HIM to anyone who does not know his ability. WE MUST keep our industry CLEAN!
Former owner, I do wish you'd take poor old Jake back. I am really worried about him, because he's fallen into the hands of one of the worst kinds of horse buyers/adopters: the Lying, Evil Asshat.
The LEA takes many forms. He may be a killer buyer who comes to look at horses with his precious six year old daughter at his side, saying he is looking for a horse for her, and then puts your horse on the next double decker bound for Mexico. She may have a song-and-dance worthy of an Oscar about how she keeps her old horses forever and is just a great home, but then the horse pops up for free on Craigslist or you find out she traded it to a dealer for two minis because it needed vet care she didn't want to pay for. Or they talk about what a great "rescue" they have and you find out later they've got three dozen horses standing in mud up to their ankles and the farrier won't come out anymore because they owe so much money. The LEA misrepresents their facilities, their intentions, their finances, their riding skills and frequently their sanity level. They tell you they will make payments (and don't), they snooker you into letting them take the horse on a "lease" (and then it disappears), they tell you they will not breed the rescued mare (and then you see her on HorseCity with a fugly partbred foal the next year).
I truly hate the LEA's of the horse world. They make good owners and breeders terrified to ever sell their horses. They give the good rescuers ulcers. They create tons of work and drama as the people who actually care about the horse desperately scramble to save it. I can't tell you the number of friends I have who've done the 90 mph drive to the auction yard because one of their homebreds was there after they sold it to a "forever" home. Not once did the buyer offer the horse back or ever let the breeder/seller know that they weren't planning to keep it or that it hadn't worked out.
This kind of behavior is despicable. Now I am going to worry about poor old Jake, who is in the hands of someone SO STUPID she doesn't realize that he reacts to a flash BECAUSE HE'S A GAMER and THE TIMERS FLASH, you MORON!
*head explodes*
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 11:09 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Jeez, it's just like people, nothing to offer but gets everybody pregnant on the first try!
Our Craigslist winner of the day...
Thoroughbred Stallion!!!!!!!!!!! - $1500
Reply to: sale-490595161@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-11-26, 11:07PM EST9 yr old Stallion!!!! Beautiful conformation. Current on all shots and coggins. Dark Bay in color. Will need experianced handler as he is VERY SPIRITED. Crosses well with drafts. Has sired roans, bays, and chestnuts. Knows his job and gets it done. 99% conception on first try. Papers are available.
All I have to say is, what a cute, cute gelding he will make if someone chops off his balls, gives him a few months to get the hormones out of his system and then teaches him some manners. Right now he's a rank sonovabitch who apparently doesn't know how to do anything but have sex. Great. I bet he's fun to handle for breeding. I can just imagine!
Again, there is no such thing as a $1500 stallion. If that's what it's worth, that right there is a tip it should be a gelding. Is this thing even broke? Sounds like they are scared shitless of him!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 9:10 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Discussion: What defines quality?
What defines a quality horse? The term "quality" means different things to different people. It’s one of the most subjective words out there when talking about horses today. It’s something you can’t measure or precisely define, yet it’s the one thing that separates the high priced horses from the inexpensive ones.

Does it define a horse that is perfect in every way?
Do you believe that the level of quality should be determined by the buying public or prices realized at an auction?
How about pedigree? Does a great pedigree guarantee a quality horse?

Does an exceptional disposition determine quality?
Do registration papers guarantee a quality horse?
Does the lack of papers guarantee a poor quality horse?
What level of quality does a horse need to be in order to be of breeding quality?

If a horse is successful, either as a performer or producer (or both), does that mean it’s a quality horse that should breed on?
How much value do you place on eye appeal?
What faults would you forgive in a horse?
What is your definition of quality, and why?
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 12:57 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Child broke 2 year old filly!
One of my readers sent me this one, and although I frequently feel like I have seen it all, I am appalled anew. Dear Lord, this poor filly. I certainly would like to hear that she's been upgraded before she is ruined completely.
"2 year old paint filly. Currently 14.3 hands, should mature 16+ hands. She is as broke as they come for a 2 year old. Children rode her bareback, double and triple. She is also broke to saddle. Absolutely loves people. she has a super mouth. Very agreeable to anything asked. will stand for hours tied. goes when asked, stops when asked. doesn't anticipate anything. her name says it all. Get her now and make her what you want. $1,500.00 make an offer."
First thought: Dear God, you didn't get on herself, did you, you fat, ignorant, old coot? Aaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhh...YOU should have to carry the FILLY, your torso is bigger than hers!
Second thought: SHE IS NOT GOING TO MATURE 16 HANDS. She is no more going to mature 16 hands than I am going to win the lottery and retire early. Wishing doesn't make it so, trust me!
Fourth thought: Who thought it was a good idea to breed this filly??? Poor little thing, no hip, upside down neck, no muscling...
Fifth thought: You have her advertised as a FOXHUNTING prospect? She is as much a foxhunting prospect as I am a candidate for America's Next Top Model!
I wonder if there are more where she came from? Well of course there are!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:59 AM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Color guaranteed! Quality...um, not so much.
I am trying to get through some of my 324 e-mails before I have to do all the barn work and go real estate shopping (have I mentioned that Websense is the Tool of Satan lately? I'm sure I have. And yesterday the internet wouldn't work on my Treo. Sprint is also affiliated with Satan.) and, boy, there is enough here to write a book! I'm going to start with these folks. You know how those breeders in SD had come up with a few new dog breeds none of us had ever heard of? Well, these guys have come up with a registry I have never heard of. You learn something new every day...unfortunately!

The PSHR also lists a "type" on the registration certificate. His "type" is - and I quote "PREFORMANCE." Well shit, I guess so, because it surely isn't HLATER!
All right, out to squeeze a week's worth of stuff I have to do when I'm not at work into one mere weekend! Hope you and your horses are having a great one.
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:42 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
OK, who is this worthless creature?
This is from the TB Friends blog. I know it's not Joe's style to "out" the asshats - but as you know, it's mine!
So who is she? I want to know who she is, and I want her to get a whole lot of holiday e-mails from those of you who have an opinion on what she is doing. I am sure many of you do! What a worthless, ignorant excuse for a human being.
"Horse killer Manny Phelps bought these 3 yearlings from a lady in Vacaville. Every year the lady breeds her mares. And then she brags on the internet how she raises colorful and expensive babies. But no one ever wants these babies, so she sells them to horse killer Manny Phelps. A new batch of babies will be born soon. And horse killer Manny Phelps will be waiting for the lady in Vacaville to call him..."
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:05 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
At least they are being honest...kind of!
Their slogan is - folks, I do not make this shit up - "It's all about the hair."
Though, never let it be said that these folks have one-track minds - their horse collection consists of "our Gypsy Cob stallion, four Draft Cross smaller mares, & one filly. Two Welsh Cob fillies, two Arabian mares, one Curly mare, one Morgan mare and three half Haflinger pony mares." And hey! You can put one in your barn because "prices are DRASTICALLY reduced" and "offers will be considered on any."

Ori Pei
Colonial Cockers
Mini Colonial Cockers
Mini English Cockers
Mini Aussiedoodles
Comfort Retrievers
Mini Saints
Dakota Sheepdogs
Mini Aussiedoodles
Mini English Shepadoodles
It's ok though, they are happy to educate you about all of these critters. Just peruse the various pages and you can learn that "A Toy Bulldogge is a very small Bulldogge, usually only maturing around 10 inches tall, or less. (As small as 7 inches)" and "A Comfort Retriever highly resembles a Golden Retriever, but are a lot smaller." And hey, they have guarantees in their contract! Allow me to share!
(And you all know how to stop these people. Make it YOUR MISSION this Christmas that NO ONE in your extended family buys a pet from anything other than a reputable breeder, or that they choose adoption/rescue instead. Let's all make that small effort this year to make animals' lives better.)
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:58 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
RIP Lacy (1979-2007)

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 2:08 PM