In case you're wondering, I'm home sick with bronchitis so I'm going to be a posting fool until I recover enough to go back to work! (Anyone with a great cure for this, please feel free to share. I'm hacking up my lungs and I can't get enough breath to push a wheelbarrow, which is really interfering with my life.)
So here's tonight's discussion: What's your true (horse-related) confession? What would your horsey friends give you shit about forever if they only knew?

I love the blingy outfits, and you get to gallop around like a fool. It looks like fun. They don't do anything that fun at the hunter or the AQHA shows. At least not in this country.
OK, my secret is out - what's yours? Are you harboring a secret desire to own a driving mini? Or do you sadly admit you really DO want a Gypsy Vanner? Or, even though you think his training methods are retarded, you think Pat Parelli has a nice ass?
Now's the time - pour yourself a drink and 'fess up, we're all going to look silly together!