Now we have the equine version! Looks just about as good, doesn't it? Click on it to enlarge it and read the text clearly - blogger wouldn't make it larger without losing clarity.
TGIF! Boy, do I have a lot of unread e-mail...sorry everybody, I just run out of time!
Check out the winner of the Drum Horse Association's Photo Contest. *sigh* Nothing like rewarding bad parental decisions yet again...
Someone sent me this...typical. I particularly love her theory that if a horse isn't downhill at three, it will be uphill by the time it is seven. Say what? Despite the writing style, she's not a kid...she posted plenty of pictures proving otherwise. Ah well. At least he is a gelding!
"This was posted on the message board for a sim game called "Furry Paws". I quote the entire post, in its entirety:

BTW, is "prudin up" some regional expression I haven't been exposed to prior to this? And I LOVE people who think they can order other people off the Internet...
What do you suppose a side range is? Also, she is an Arabian - albeit not a very good one - she CANNOT be "gaited." Unless by gaited, you mean that she has the ability to move forward in a gait...Oh look, even better, here is their stallion. Say it with me, choir - CUT OFF ITS BALLS, DEWORM IT AND FEED IT FOR FUCK'S SAKE!
Look, he is parked in the handicapped space! Is he handicapped, or the owner? Isn't there a fine for that? OK, I have to say, this looks like a super nice horse, for you midwesterners looking for kid safe or scaredy cat re-rider safe. :-)
If you've ever wondered how it looks when your saddle is too far forward, here you go! This is a really unattractive picture of this mare, too - if she is really that downhill at age ten, eeek. She certainly doesn't have a pretty head, and the head/neck balance is way off. I like her bloodlines but she's not the best representative of them. Hopefully her new owner will confine her use to the show ring!

Again, Marketing 101. When you want $4,000 for your mare, you need to present her so that she looks like she's worth it. That may mean investing $50 in having someone with pretty equitation come out and ride her for pictures.
Here is the part that REALLY scares me... "Only selling her because I bought her 8 months ago for barrels, and she isnt as fast as she needs to be, but is the best trail horse you will ever meet." OMG. You are not serious. You are trying to run barrels? I say this out of genuine concern - please, please, please invest in some riding lessons. Otherwise, I can see your future and it involves a trip to the ER.
Someone is responsible for making the decisions that brought this yearling colt into existence...and they need a slap upside the head. Yes, deworming and better nutrition would help but I guarantee you, this is not the offspring of two breeding quality individuals!
For sale as a broodmare, because those knees really need to carry a few hundred more pounds...BTW exactly what knee injury would cause this extreme of an effect? Racetrackers, any thoughts? I really have never seen anything like this. By the way, person who sent me the link to the online auction to buy Thoroughbreds, I hate you. That is the last thing a Thoroughbred addict like myself needs to see when she is at capacity...I now want this mare so badly...fortunately she is 3000 miles away. Can someone on the East Coast please buy her, give her a good home, and update me on how she is doing? Hell, if she really is sound, she's a bargain.
You all know that locally, we're working to make sure the criminal charges stick against Dean Solomon. But she's certainly not the only faux rescuing hoarder in the world. Colorado has had its hands full with Alesha Matchett and thanks to various dedicated individuals, Alisha is facing charges as well. These updates were sent to me:
Photos taken yesterday of horses at "Animal Angels Horse Rescue" In Wellington, CO:
Horses that have been rehabbed from this crazy hoarder:
These horses originally:
News story:

HOW FREAKING CUTE is this guy? This is a 4 year old gelding named Hey Doctor Mike. He's 15.2 - perfect for you ladies who don't want to be up at the higher altitudes anymore. LOPE also has racing Arabians and Quarter Horses. Check them out!
Have a wonderful weekend with your horses, everybody! The PNW is expecting sunshine and good weather so I may actually ride the Very Large Colt outside and get some good pictures.