2008-03-28, 12:24PM CDT We have a 2 yr old Blue Roan Quarter Horse colt 14HH and a 8 year old Sorrel 15.2HH Appendix mare that we will trade for a good working tractor, we are looking for something like a Ford 8N, 9N or a Jubilee - open to other tractors that have wide fronts. Tractor must be in good running condition with 3 point hitch and preferably a bucket. - Good brakes also. Mare is green broke and is a great- granddaughter of Secretariat, would excel at barrel racing, was started on pattern and hauled as a 2 yr old. Blue roan is a mellow boy that my 8 yr old daughter plays on - not broke, does not act studdy he is in with 5 mares and never tries to breed. Both are used to goats, trucks, dogs and cats.
A couple points here:
Even a shitty, non-running tractor is worth more than your green broke appendix mare and an unbroke, ungelded two year old colt. Nobody is going to make this trade with you.
Being a great-granddaughter of Secretariat is about as special as claiming you were Cleopatra in a previous life. Again, not really a sign of value, though I will say that from what I can see, this mare is darn cute and nicely put together.
You have a two year old stallion turned out with mares and you think he never tries to breed them just because, why, he is saving himself for marriage? Let me ask you a question, in case you happen to read this - what do you think costs more money, a bunch of t-posts and hot tape, or feeding the five extra horses you will have next year? I can just see you now staring dumbstruck and saying "well, shucks, we never saw him breed any of them! How did that happen?"
And your eight year old daughter "plays on" your two year old unbroke stud. *sigh*
I am not sure if the next one is selling their faux registry they made up or a horse!
Reply to: sale-625588055@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-03-31, 5:05PM CDT
N.V.durbe Bar Luke (Thor)Foal Date 6/24/04 Registration # 04-77S PSH Sire: Skip Bar Luke AQHA 1275887 Champion 3 Bars and Skiper W Dam:Durbie Bell by Palmers Easter Night by Stonewalls Master Prominet sires Stone Wall King Daughter of Garmar. Thor is now a Stallion however will geld him if intrested in gelding. Thor has no bad manners. Thor is now in the pasture with 1 gelding, 5 mares and 3 other stud colts with no problems.
He is a proven stallion with his first get foaled 3/19/08 with more due soon. His first foal is pictured below. I have had him since he was three months and paid $2,500. for him. The mare with the foal in the photo is a grade mare and is also for sale. Venus is level headed, loves water and calm. She is a 3 year old $800. with out filly at her side. Venus is a spotted Buckskin. Will also sell bred back to Thor for $1,200. or To my Black & White Homozygous Tobiano Stallion ENS King of Spades for $1,500. when bred to ENS King of Spades with the guarantee that the foal will be Tobiano. See the full bloodline of ENS King of Spades at:http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/ens+king+of+spades
I just want to get her address, so all of the kill buyers can send her a Christmas card! She is truly breeding willy-nilly - he's turned out with THREE other stud colts and a bunch of mares! Holy shit! This is going to be like one of those Maury Povich shows where they eliminate three possible baby daddies with DNA testing and the crying skank du jour has to admit that there are six other possibilities, or was that seven? The gelding is going to be out there going "dude, all I know is, it wasn't me, I'm fixed!"
You gotta check out Thor's pedigree - the Three Bars she refers to ISN'T the one we all know and love. And that critter was produced by breeding a part-Paint apparently grade stallion to a NSH mare. WTF? WHY? WHY? WHY?
(The Paint stallion sounds familiar. I've blogged this chick's breeding program already, haven't I? I can't find it but I'm pretty darn sure I have.)
Just more examples...You know what, you'd be surprised how early they are sexually mature. I know of someone whose yearling filly got pregnant due to the neighbor's stud getting loose and getting to her. It happens! If you don't want babies, stop running your ungelded colts out with your mares. I guarantee you that fencing - or better yet, GELDING - is WAY cheaper than feeding an accidental baby until you can sell it. 100% of the time.
One of our blog readers has rescued a three year old mare that is nearly dead from starvation in Florida. It's another shocking case of someone who should NOT have had a horse in the first place. We must work together to prosecute these people. If you've ever watched Animal Cops, you know how these kind of people will lie and say they fed the horse and they didn't think they did anything wrong. They need to realize they DID do something ILLEGAL and WRONG...and looking at some bars in front of them should get that message through their thick skulls!
(To the asshats who have emailed me recently stating that neglect cases are proof we need slaughter...oh shut UP already. You will never convince me that we can reduce bad behavior by PAYING PEOPLE for it. That's the long and the short of it. You'll never convince me otherwise.)
And yet another good rescue has to knock itself out cleaning up the mess left by some faux rescuer asshat who apparently couldn't buy hay without her husband. I've said it before, YOU need to have enough earning potential to care for 100% of your horses, even if your husband walked out tomorrow. If you can't say that, you have too many horses. We all know how unpredictable human relationships are -they should NEVER be the sole source of financial security for you or your horses. If you're a SAHM, now is a good time to go to college or get an advanced degree online. Set yourself up for success no matter what the future brings - for the sake of your horses, do it!
Final note - Craigslist gets deleted/flagged a lot. The best thing to do is send me a screen capture of the ad. You can do that by hitting alt-print screen while viewing the ad and then you go to your graphics program, open up a new file and hit paste and voila, there's the ad complete with pictures. Save it as a jpg and you can send it to me. (Sorry, those with Macs, I can't tell you how to do it in Mac. I am Mac illiterate.)