A lot of you have asked for this thread, and just because it coincides with my new web site project, which I am going to finish when I'm on vacation from my primary job next week, I've decided today's the day.
This actually has two parts:
1. Do you have a horse in your past that you would do anything to locate, or find out what happened to? One that you regret selling? One that you now wish you would have hung on to - or at least wish you could get back now that you have more money/a different situation? You cannot post images to the comments but you can post a link to the image - you want the HTML link if you're using photobucket. It's the one that starts out a h-r-e-f etc, not the one that starts out "img s..."
2. The site I am setting up will work pretty much like a dating site - you'll enter in information about specific characteristics, etc. that will be searchable by others. You'll designate if the info is on a horse you have that you want history on, or a horse from your past that you are looking for. Any information you don't have, you can leave blank. What do you think the search fields should be? Here's my list so far - let me know if I've missed something important:
Registered Name
Barn Name
Current Location (State/Province and Country)
Past Location (State/Province and Country)
Lip Tattoo
Vices/Quirks (check boxes for common vices - can check more than one)
Health Conditions (check boxes for common conditions - i.e navicular, arthitis, blindness, etc.)
Part of the eventual goal here is that I want a resource a rescuer can access from an internet-capable phone, right at an auction, to see if someone is looking for tattoo #_____, for example. I firmly believe we could save a lot of equine lives if only we could improve communications. We need a way for that rescuer at New Holland to be able to make contact with the former owner in Nevada, shoot them a picture with a camera phone, confirm the horse is their horse and save that life. It's 2008, it's the age of technology, there is no reason we shouldn't have this set up.

At left, the red chestnut is my "one that got away." She was sold with her papers around 1993 or 1994. She is a 1983 Thoroughbred mare, registered name Penny Andy. 15.3 hh, unusual face marking as you can see, left front sock. Does not tie AT ALL. Explosive in that regard. Rides great, very soft, great little canter, jumps willingly but not great form, hangs her lead changes. Extremely sweet. Clips, loads, etc. Most likely in Milwaukee or Chicago areas, if still around. I heard she was at a hunter-jumper barn in Mequon, Wisconsin in the mid-90s but never managed to confirm that. I would take this mare back in a heartbeat.
EDITED: OMG someone knows her, she really is or was in Mequon and doing great...I am waiting for more info :-)
More tips on finding your horse:
For Jockey Club mares, don't forget to check to see if they have AQHA, APHA or ApHC foals. They could and that could provide you with the lead you need! Ditto if you have an AQHA mare you're looking for - she could have ApHC or APHA foals.
For those of you looking for a registered horse that isn't a Thoroughbred - post the name. There are a lot of folks here with AQHA, APHA, etc. memberships who get free searches every month and would be happy to look up your horse's current owner for you. It might be that simple.
Just google your horse's name, but put it in quotes. I.E. "Penny Andy" If there are common terms involved, try something like "Penny Andy" Thoroughbred, "Penny Andy" mare or "Penny Andy" horse.