Interesting. Again, we're seeing the high end go pretty high, the low end go very low, and I'm encouraged to see HYPP N/H yearlings fail to sell. Hopefully that sends a message! I am also encouraged to see so many owners saying no sale at low prices and protecting their horses. Just for effect I put all the no-sales in bold - check it out. A LOT of people said no and took their horse back home.
Again, this was sent in by a reader - thank you! I did not rescue any of these horses because I was not there. The comments on the horses are hers. All pictures here.

2) Ginny donkey NS at $300
3) Paint jenny mule 12 yr old well broke NS at $1200
4) Bay TB – type stud, bad tendon, NS
5) 3 or 4 yr old Dun mare, 15h, NS at $375
6) 1995 AQHA mare, rode quiet, NS at $1000
7) 3 yearling colts, $130 for all (FHOTD in: whoever bred these, I hate you.)
8) 2007 AQHA colt, HYPP N/H, NS
9) 6 yr old Palomino, big, NS at $900
10) 1985 Chestnut AQHA mare, $100
11) 2002 red roan AQHA mare, rode nice $185 12) Yearling colt, broke to ride, NS (pictured here)
13) 1986 AQHA mare $175 (pictured here)
14) 15.3h Chestnut gelding $200
15) 10 yr old buckskin gelding, 15.2, looked lame $650
16) 1986 Chestnut AQHA mare, $210
17) 5 yr old 15.2h Palomino AQHA gelding, pony horse at track, NS at $1600, owner wanted $2500 *this was a NICE horse*
18) 2007 AQHA yearling bay colt .. very homely looking
19) 2007 AQHA yearling bay colt, NS at $150, owner wanted $450
20) Lot of 3 AQHA pending yearling colts, all 3 sold for $180 each (FHOTD in: Yeah, you suck too, AQHA breeder asshat)
21) Blk/wht kid gentle APHA mare, 2003, 15h, cute and sweet $900 *also very nice*
22) Chestnut/white APHA paint mare, 1990, wind broke and bitchy, tried to buck, NS, owner wanted $500
23) 1985 AQHA chestnut mare $100
24) 2005 chestnut TB gelding, JC papers, 16h … really cute, and I think I heard he was a polo pony?? Would have bought him. $170 *polo pony*
25) 7 yr old AQHA gelding, 15h $700
26) Mini chestnut stud, rides/drives, 2005, $195
27) 2005 dun AQHA mare, $385
28) Bay yearling TB colt, JC papers, $175
29) 1985 AQHA roan mare, missing one eye, $160
30) Jack donkey $20
31) 2 yr old Half Arab tobiano filly, very small $160
32) 2001 AQHA and Foundation dappled grey gelding, 15.2h, very cute, NS at $750, owner wanted $1500 *gorgeous horse*
33) 20 yr old grade bay mare, beginner friendly $220
34) Grade bay mare, 2 yr old, $225
35) 2006 AQHA Palomino filly, small, NS, owner wanted $1000

38) Chestnut AQHA yearling filly, daughter of 1983 mare, homely $150
39) Grey TB filly, saddled but not ridden, about 15.2h, seemed very quiet and cute $375
40) Chestnut gelding.. no info, raffled off, ugly
FHOTD in: Good thing I was not there. Old chestnut mares are my personal weakness and it looks like I'd have come home with five new ones!