If I ever run out of material for this blog, I swear I am going to do one on the sad state of our educational system and how many people are running around as marginally literate as the folks at the NP Ranch.
From their Craigslist ad: I do not what to feed all of the horse so I have told the kid they are selling some of the horse so you have a grate chase to get a good kids horse and it just in time for summer fun $1500 your chose i have a white 10 year old grade arabin mare. I have a 3 year old gelding green brock. I have a saddle bread gelding 18 and a mini colt but i will take 300 for him. you can duble click on this wed side and see more info. http://NPRanch.synthasite.com email me and we will set a time for you to come see.
So I couldn't resist double clicking, of course!
Let's start with their headline:
"NP Ranch it about the horses"
Brain bleeding already!
Now here's their main page paragraph. My comments, as usual, in blue.
NP Ranch is a small farm. We love horse.
Breaded, baked or fried!
We belive you can build a strong foundation of trust, confidence, between, you and your horse.
I believe you could use a few less commas there!
For a lasting partnership. Whetcher the horse future lies in, or out of the show ring.
Whetcher? Really? What about the way that word sounds convinced you there was a "c" in it? By the way, I see your commitment to that lasting partnership by the way you are ditching them so you don't have to feed them. Were you unaware they were going to require food?
If you would like us to help you find a good horse, or start the horse you have. We think we can help. We are locaten in Scio Oregon.
I think I can help you learn to spell, perhaps I should visit.
We have a 6 stall barn, and a round pin.
We only take 2 or 3 horse at a time. So the horse get lots on time with the trainer.
Good thing, I was really hoping someone could cure my horse's punctuality problem.
The trainer Phillip Nelson is a 23 year old Man, that come form a long family history of horse people. He works with the horse in steps.
And here I was thinking Phillip was a chick! And who does not work with the horse in steps? I really don't know of anybody who gets on them the first time at the horse show. This isn't exactly special.
Phil is a new trainer to Scio. So the price is low. If you would like he to find you a good friendly horse. Or start your horse. We have a good programe for you.
You guys even F up the easy words, don't you?
"This is a 10 year old mare 4 sale. She is $1500 obo. She has been in 4h, love the trails, has been used in may leadling class love to go. She has been game, she is being used by a 13 year old now. For more info. email me at mpranch@smt-net.com this is a nice framily horse about 14 hands She is not to big the kids can get on with out to much help. But still big enuf an adult can ride her this horse has been a baby setter. and lots of fun need new kid."
Well...on the plus side they got "sale" right!

"This is Sweet pie he was born 7\7\07 This if Phil with him phill is 5'8 so you can see sweet pie is small. He will be the same color as his mom Chestnut Flaxen. She is 32inchs mom is regusted AMHR101427A Pillow Talk Sunlite. There a photo of her, but she is not for sale, but sweet pie is $300 or a good saddle 16 or 17 incher would do. This little guy is a sweet little man come see him."
I just hope they are not homeschooling!