I feel a migraine coming on. In case it gets deleted: Post #1: "My mare (shown at left) is in the pasture with her father. I don't know much about breeding, but would it affect the colt? Or does he know hes related, which i highly doubt. If it does affect the colt how? They are both extremly quiet."
Second Post (after numerous people point out everything that is wrong with the original post) "Ok thanks for all the rude post to all who posted rudly. I asked a simple question. First of all i only own one horse and the rest are my boyfriends gradfathers. You wouldnt even know his horse wasn't gelded. You can sit there and tug on his tail in the pasture and he just stands there he is the quietest stud i have ever seen. No word of a lie when he does get on a mare the owner can tell him to get down and he will. Might be hard to believe but its true. And second I'm not looking to breed my mare by him she is just in the pasture with him. I don't see why everyone is throwing this big fit like it is against the law and it is the "wrong" thing to do. I'm not looking to breed her and if she was bred i wouldn't be keeping the foal. I just wanted to know what were the pro's and con's and what would be the turn out results of my mare and foal"
Well, xxdukesxx, this is why everybody's throwing a fit "like it is against the law." Let me spell this out for you.
1. OF COURSE a stallion will breed his own daughter. HORSES ARE ANIMALS! They'll even mate with mares they're not married to. Shocking, I know.2. EVERY backyard breeder's stallion (the one in question shown at left) is "the quietest stallion ever!" You think yours is special but he's not. It's actually much more common for a stallion to be well behaved than a rank POS. In all of these years, I believe I have encountered 5 or 6 "bad" stallions and most of those were not getting enough turn out or had been mishandled or abused.
3. PLENTY of quiet horses go to slaughter EVERY DAMN DAY! We have a serious horse overpopulation problem and here you are, letting another horse happen - a horse no one wants, not even YOU.
4. "And second I'm not looking to breed my mare by him she is just in the pasture with him." AND YOU THINK IT WON'T OCCUR TO HIM ON HIS OWN? (And you have a boyfriend? Uh-oh...)
5. "I'm not looking to breed her and if she was bred i wouldn't be keeping the foal." EVEN BETTER! So you admit you're going to dump the inevitable inbred piece-of-crap foal on someone else.
6. A little research of her other posts reveals that Gramps' stallion is not a Paint but MIGHT be a Pinto (translation: He's spotted and we don't know anything else about him) and that her mare is a grade two year old filly! Hey, maybe "xxdukesxx" is a minor (you can never tell - plenty of 25 year olds spell just as poorly as she does and the pictures are inconclusive) but what's wrong with the "gradfather?" You know, Gramps, by your age, you ought to have mastered how reproduction works. SHAME ON YOU for allowing this situation to happen!
Multiply this post by thousands and now you know why we the supply of low end horses so far exceeds the demand for these horses, and the poor horses, who never asked to be born, are the ones who suffer. *sigh* I still say that putting a $50 licensing fee on every foal born would really help. Let the local municipalities make some money on it - they'll be eager to enforce it when it means cash (look at how they run around fining people for silly things like building a shed in the backyard without a permit - don't tell me it wouldn't be enforced. When money's involved, government gets the job done!). This wouldn't hurt the breeder with a $2500 foal but it might make the producers of accidental $50 foals like the one being created here think twice about investing in some cross-fencing!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Observe the train wreck in progress!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 3:51 PM