And since I had already commented on the breeding of "Spanish Jennet Tiger Horses" last year, I wasn't going to give these morons any further attention but I give up...probably 100 of you have sent me their sale ad and I have to agree, it warrants a second mention:
Obama Sale
The economy has had many trial and tribulations over the past few years. Our breeding program has withstood all of them, with continued sales and the ability to sustain and expand our program. We do not have faith that will continue to be the case under a presidency of Obama.
Therefore we are drastically reducing our herd of horses, hoping in this way to be able to continue our goals within the conditions that we believe the upcoming 4 years will place on our country.
All of the horses listed below will be sold to the highest offer made by December 5th. Payment to be made upon acceptance of offer as purchase price, if we consider your offer a good one - the horse will be withdrawn from the sale and you have made a purchase. If not accepted immediately, it will be posted as the current offer on the horse and if no other offer tops it by December 5th then your offer will be accepted.
Included in sale are proven Broodmares, Weanling gaited mules and Weanling gaited foals, ApHC Registered mares, Gaited Geldings undersaddle.
NO offer will be refused, except to a higher offer. Therefore all horses will sell.
Transportation is the responsibility of the Buyer, as is the cost of coggins and health papers. Horses not picked up or transported after 10 days from purchase will begin to pay board for up to 30 days. All horses MUST be removed within 30 days of purchase.
And we are jumping a 2 year old pony why? She's not destined to be a famous hunter pony, she's destined to need joint injections by age 4. $10,000? For that price, she ought to come with the lifetime supply of Adequan she's going to need...
Check it out - Gerry Trupia has a blog. Let's review. Gerry, when there is a horse on your property that looks like this, NO EXCUSE IS GOOD ENOUGH. You would NOT have gotten in trouble had you OBTAINED VET CARE. You seem to claim the two options were sending the mare to Cornell for $5,000 and ignoring her completely (claiming to give her supplements). No. Bullshit. You could have called your local vet for advice if you were unable to get weight on her. Where are the e-mails showing that you showed the owners what she looked like and begged them to obtain vet care? You could have created a record showing that you were doing something. You didn't. Now you are trying to cover your ass and honey, it's not working.
Sorry but what a crock of shit. I have seen and cared for mares that "did not do well after foaling" or that were really dragged down by nursing. They looked ribby. Not like humane cases.
Thoroughbred dispersal sale in Mount Vernon, Illinois this weekend. Probably plenty of excellent prospects if you are local and looking, and I'm guessing prices will be right! I like the #24 filly a lot, and I would expect the open teenaged mares - #58 and #59 - to go cheap and they are both nice looking mares - could be good retraining projects if they're sound!
Care2, the folks who host all of the free online petitions, are sponsoring a Christmas contest to reward worthy animal rescues. Anyone can visit and select their favorite animal shelter or rescue group. Then, you can tell neighbors and friends to do the same! The shelter or rescue group with the most votes wins $10,000, and there are other prizes.

The economy has had many trial and tribulations over the past few years. Our breeding program has withstood all of them, with continued sales and the ability to sustain and expand our program. We do not have faith that will continue to be the case under a presidency of Obama.
Therefore we are drastically reducing our herd of horses, hoping in this way to be able to continue our goals within the conditions that we believe the upcoming 4 years will place on our country.
All of the horses listed below will be sold to the highest offer made by December 5th. Payment to be made upon acceptance of offer as purchase price, if we consider your offer a good one - the horse will be withdrawn from the sale and you have made a purchase. If not accepted immediately, it will be posted as the current offer on the horse and if no other offer tops it by December 5th then your offer will be accepted.
Included in sale are proven Broodmares, Weanling gaited mules and Weanling gaited foals, ApHC Registered mares, Gaited Geldings undersaddle.
NO offer will be refused, except to a higher offer. Therefore all horses will sell.
Transportation is the responsibility of the Buyer, as is the cost of coggins and health papers. Horses not picked up or transported after 10 days from purchase will begin to pay board for up to 30 days. All horses MUST be removed within 30 days of purchase.
FHOTD back in: OK. You know, I didn't want Obama either. And I agree that the economy is bad and destined to get much, much worse. But your crap horses wouldn't sell in the world's BEST economy and blaming a Presidential election is beyond ludicrous! Look at the matching front end on the mare and foal. You can't sell horses because you can't tell crooked from straight. That's why you can't sell horses. Wouldn't matter WHO was in office. I sure hope you stop breeding after this!
And we are jumping a 2 year old pony why? She's not destined to be a famous hunter pony, she's destined to need joint injections by age 4. $10,000? For that price, she ought to come with the lifetime supply of Adequan she's going to need...
Check it out - Gerry Trupia has a blog. Let's review. Gerry, when there is a horse on your property that looks like this, NO EXCUSE IS GOOD ENOUGH. You would NOT have gotten in trouble had you OBTAINED VET CARE. You seem to claim the two options were sending the mare to Cornell for $5,000 and ignoring her completely (claiming to give her supplements). No. Bullshit. You could have called your local vet for advice if you were unable to get weight on her. Where are the e-mails showing that you showed the owners what she looked like and begged them to obtain vet care? You could have created a record showing that you were doing something. You didn't. Now you are trying to cover your ass and honey, it's not working.
Sorry but what a crock of shit. I have seen and cared for mares that "did not do well after foaling" or that were really dragged down by nursing. They looked ribby. Not like humane cases.
Thoroughbred dispersal sale in Mount Vernon, Illinois this weekend. Probably plenty of excellent prospects if you are local and looking, and I'm guessing prices will be right! I like the #24 filly a lot, and I would expect the open teenaged mares - #58 and #59 - to go cheap and they are both nice looking mares - could be good retraining projects if they're sound!
Care2, the folks who host all of the free online petitions, are sponsoring a Christmas contest to reward worthy animal rescues. Anyone can visit and select their favorite animal shelter or rescue group. Then, you can tell neighbors and friends to do the same! The shelter or rescue group with the most votes wins $10,000, and there are other prizes.