I received this and it is definitely worth passing along. The bottom-feeding, knuckle-dragging Neanderthal at left both starves his horses and engages in dog fighting. Disgusting! If you have a few minutes to shoot an e-mail to the prosecutor, please do so. Remember, it worked on Jason Meduna!
As always, e-mails need to be brief, factual and profanity-free to be taken seriously. You can write your emotional post about how you feel on this blog but when writing to law enforcement, you are merely asking for the maximum penalty in a polite way. I always mention the link between violence toward animals and violence toward human beings.
Please e-mail or fax Prosecutor John Durrett.Prosecutor John Durrett
Columbia County
Fax: 386-758-0489
Tell the courts that Todd Shevan Williams must be incarcerated and receive the maximum sentence possible for his crimes against animals.
The mare in these pictures is in the care of Beauty's Haven Equine Rescue. She is alive. The foal, despite immediate veterinary attention, did not make it. He was a grandson of Mr. Prospector, and he did not make it to weaning thanks to this evil bastard of an owner. The mare is Dingolay, a daughter of stakes winner Archer's Bay out of a daughter of Miswaki. She sold at a Thoroughbred auction to this guy for $1200. IN FREAKING JANUARY! She got this bad in FIVE MONTHS! This is the point I made with the Jane Smiley/Waterwheel case - an auction is still an auction and any jerk with cash can take your horse home. You have no way to screen, to check out the person's place or to do any prior research. This guy got in trouble for dog fighting in 2007 - a simple google search and none of us would have trusted him with another animal.
Here is the story about the dog fighting charges.
Kudos to Beauty's Haven for their hard work helping these horses. I look forward to seeing the "after" pictures - and hearing that Mr. Williams is in prison where he belongs!
I'm going to put this mare on the main page - she is a rescue belonging to one of my readers, and how cute is she? Nice little older Arabian mare. She is north of Seattle, and needs a home!
And for those of you who missed it (I did!), Johnny Rotten has a blog. There is going to be some very good training advice here (wrapped in a sugar coating of delicious snark!). Check out Mr. Rotten's Neighborhood.