I had his dental work done and it was clear he has never had his teeth floated. The inside of his cheeks are VERY scarred and his points quite sharp. He's always been a slow eater, but within a few days after the dental work we realized that it was probably uncomfortable to chew. Now he eats with more enthusiasm and seems to enjoy mealtime more. The vet gave him an overall body score of 5, and was very pleased with his weight and overall health. Chip is also receiving monthly massages from a local equine body worker. Yes, he is spoiled. :-) The girls aren't riding him yet, but they are currently taking lessons at a barn in (deleted for privacy) which is heavily into pony club. While they are getting a good riding foundation in, I'll be working with one of my former instructors to finish him. If I can, I'd like to do this right, giving the girls and Chip the education they need to make this a successful partnership. The few people who have looked at him believe he will be an excellent pony club prospect. It will be a lot of fun to find out what he likes to do."I was asked to give an update on Chip, the POA pony posted around Christmas for adoption as one of my Friday Featured Rescues. I asked his adopter how he's doing and here's the scoop:
"Chip has been a wonderful addition to our little pony family. He enjoys the regular routine and gets along very well with the other two horses. He's a goofball and mischievous but also patient and very level-headed. He loves the attention, and will doze peacefully while my two daughters groom him. He enjoys being around people, and is always eager to come in for some personal attention. His fuzzy little butt is well-loved by all.
And if you NEED a new rescue, consider adopting one of the Paragallo horses...there are 67 up for grabs at the Columbia/Greene Humane Society. NO ADOPTION FEES if you pass muster as a good home...these are quality Thoroughbreds who just need your loving care to get back to weight and ready to work again. (I would drag that chestnut at top right in their pics home...look at the depth through the heart, shoulder and pretty neck...there is a very nice horse hiding underneath the mud and poor condition.) They are in Hudson, NY and can also use your donations or volunteer time.
We are having a great, sunshiny day in the PNW so I am off to play with horses...have a great weekend, everybody!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
By request...a happy ending!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:19 AM