Warning: Horses mating, possibly NSFW
Here's a video of a mini stallion running around with a lot of mini mares, full sized mares and a full sized - if thin - AQHA stallion. The big stallion breeds a mare in heat and then the mini attempts to follow suit.
The comments are just classic.
Commenter: your pal stud is thin you can see his ribs.
Response: Yeah, he's a touch thin, but you would be too if you were responsible for covering 38 mares!! He has been turned out with the herd since April.
(FHOTD note: I can't even figure out who the stallion is. No info on her web site. He might be a decent horse, but do we need 38 more of him out of their motley crew of mares? Uh, NO!)
Commenter: I have heard of mini stallions teasing mares so vigorously that they will lay down to be bred.
Response: I have wondered if that could happen! I guess that I wouldn't care, that old mare in the video is 21yrs old and she's a double bred Dash for Cash! The resulting foal would make a heck of a playday pony and it ought to have color! Actually, I wouldn't want that to happen as that would waste a whole breeding season, and that mare probably doesn't have that many babies left in her!!
(How many Dash for Cash horses do you suppose there are out there? This is a little like saying, OMG, my Thoroughbred goes back to Man O'War! It's not all that special...Though I will say, that mare is a freakin' saint, watch this one or even better this one where the kid flies off directly in front of her and she doesn't move a muscle.)
Now, if you're thinking I'm again picking on some poor little 14 year old who loves to make youtube vids and doesn't realize her parents' practices are wrong, go to the profile. Nope! This is the work of a 47 year old grandma. Check out the rest of the vids - plenty of bareheaded babies on horseback, babies running around with loose foals, the world's fugliest foal being born, children galloping that don't have the riding skills to trot safely without assistance - yes, the stupid's all there, preserved on video for your entertainment.
I just don't think this is cute. This scares the hell out of me. That kid needs to learn her absolute basics, not be trying to barrel race. As with jumping, I don't think you should be gaming until you can trot and canter without your stirrups or bareback. What's wrong with taking it slow and trying to stay out of the local E.R.? Are you gonna turn into a pumpkin if you turn 10 and haven't run a pattern yet?
C'mon, wake up and smell the coffee ... scale back the breeding and buy those kids some helmets!You know a horse is cute when they're even cute covered in hair in the middle of winter, and this mare is a perfect example. SH Malacy is a 16 year old registered Arabian mare offered for adoption by the Midwest Equine Welfare Foundation. This mare is very well broke and has been used both on trails and in the arena. Sounds like she's sound, too! They did not get the papers with her but I assume someone willing to do the detective work might be able to get replacements - how does it work for Arabians? Can you do a replacement affidavit like you do with AQHA? At any rate, this mare is cute, cute, cute so if you're in or near Wisconsin and looking for a rescue you can ride, check her out! (Hey, someone look up the bloodlines - now I'm curious - she is REALLY cute!)
Have a great weekend all!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Well, I think you got the "high" part right
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 9:29 AM