I love Craigslist. My comments in blue, as usual!
"Extremely gentle, 12 hand, gelding, 9-10 years old. Used for pony parties but to big for me to put kids up on him. Had back surgery. (You or the pony? Keep riding him and I'm sure he'll need it!) Wonderful gate (is it metal or panel and are the latch and mounting hardware included?), loves to be petted. Prefers children and women to men. (Can't IMAGINE why.) Can take up to 170lbs. (Didn't fall down, anyway. Tough lil shit!) I jumped on just to make sure he wouldn't buck with heavier people. (Because it is easier to buck with more weight on your back!) Used to small children. Doesn't buck, kick or bite. Learning to kiss, takes food out of my mouth. (Come here so I can whap you upside the head) Will take $1,000 rehoming fee. Want someone who will let a child grow up on him and keep him forever. Call if you can give him a good home. Has had West Nile, Influenze combo, regular hoove care, wormed, and current coggins. "
Now, before someone gets their panties in a bunch and says I'm picking on anybody who's overweight, no, I'm not. I'm picking on people who ride equines that are inappropriately sized for them. If you do pony parties, one would think you could have found a conveniently located child to put on the pony for your marketing pictures.
P.S. I think that halter fringey whatsit is just about blinding the pony, also. He might prefer you didn't sell that with him!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Which one of them do you suppose had the back surgery?
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 1:19 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Natural selection simply isn't working anymore...

Wow. 30 days broke and you are putting 1-3 year olds on him? Awesome. Would it be wrong to pray for the Lord to smite you with sterility at this point?

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 2:09 PM
Entitlement Mentality Gone Wild!

"This is not a thoroughbred farm. We don't have millions of dollars," Maness quoted Sharon Clagett as telling animal control officers.
Instead of seizing animals and bringing charges, the government should help people by finding and providing hay, Maness said.
OMFG! Isn't it bad enough we've created a gazillion welfare witches in this country by handing out paychecks for breeding children you cannot afford to care for? Now you'd like to do the same for irresponsible horse breeders?
I hope both Clagetts rot in jail. Maybe they will actually learn something from the experience, though I am not holding my breath.
Repeat after me:
Horses are a luxury.
You do not have to own horses.
You certainly do not have to breed horses, and should not even consider it if you are financially unstable.
You do not have a RIGHT to own horses. Check the Bill of Rights. Horse ownership - not in there.
Acting like someone else's tax dollars should be helping feed your SEVENTY horses is ludicrous. There's a reason we have criminal penalties for neglect. Look in the mirror, you're it.
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 11:17 AM
A great update on the no-longer-starving Arabians in Alberta

I just want to say I am so glad that everyone raised so much awareness with this. I just went out yesterday afternoon, and there had already been more than 50 (!) people out there helping out. Feeding, mucking, grooming, tracking markings, making notes on personality, etc.
As for the horses, they are doing a completely 360. When most arrived here, they were sorry looking things. Ribs everywhere, wormy bellies, bald patches from lice, matted manes and tails, runny noses... It was hard to imagine what they would look like after some care. Some looked in real bad shape. Unfortunately, they've lost two to date now, but it could have been far worse.
Most of the colts got their balls cut off just the past day and they are working on getting the rest done. Of course, the boys still think they are hot stuff and keep trying to show off to the mares on the opposite side of the fenceline. Silly boys.
Everyone has been putting on weight, and most noticably have been the full grown mares. My jaw just dropped the other day. All but about four of the mares still had ribs showing when I went out just this past Monday (March 24). After having their feet done many of them have shown a major attitude improvement as well. They were also de-wormed when they had their feet done. Now, I can only see about 8-10 that DO have ribs showing. The rest have really bulked up. Some of the bloated looking bellies are gone now too.
So many great people are coming out and just being with the horses, which has further improved their attitudes. Several horses will now willingly approach people, and the other younger ones are learning from these brave ones and coming up closer and closer each day. Some that were too wild to even think about getting an identification collar on them (to record their number. Each are assigned numbers) are now pocket ponies. The sad eyes seen all around are gone now, and they are eagerly starting to play. Just yesterday the whole herd spooked and went for a nice run around the paddock. Many of the horses were kicking up their heels and looked so great.

The adoption process is still far off on the horizon, but all the help pouring in is doing great good for such a bad situation. The horses are much happier now (who wouldn't be?!) and their personalities are really starting to shine. So many are sweet and gentle despite what they've been through... I would not hesitate for a moment to adopt one. The oldest mare out there (by the vets guess) is only 16 years. They look far older than they are. Many of them will likely return to being sound with some more care and attention. They are a little smallish, but they are well put together. Not great, but not all are as fugly as you might guess.
Just wanted to keep you updated!
Here is the website set-up by Susan Fyfe
www.rescue100.com Details will be announced here once the horses get closer to being adopted out.
First few days after arriving:
The herd yesterday:

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 9:47 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Discussion: The point at which you say, he's just NOT for sale to YOU
An alert Fugly reader found this gem posted to her local classifieds:
Link: http://london.kijiji.ca/c-pets-other-Cheap-Cheap-Horse-WANTED-W0QQAdIdZ42995582
Hi everyone,I am looking for a very cheap horse or foal! I would preferably like to bring up my own horse and train it (so nothing over 9 thats not trained) but am willing to look at something that is trained and for sale for cheap!! my price range is from free lease - $150 - $500 at max!(and a payment plan would be great as well!!) I can offer this horse a great home and lots of attention!! please no horses with lameness issues! I don't have a proffered sex,breed, or color just something that I can love and spoil!! If you think you have what im looking for please send me an e-mail as I would really like a horse before summer comes!! Thank you
You know, even if she had all of the money in the world, just reading this, there is no way any horse of mine would go there. I doubt I need to detail all of the potential problems revealed in one simple paragraph (folks, really, you are what you write...this is a classic example)...you know exactly what I'm objecting to here. And, as with many things, it makes for a good discussion.
For those of you who buy/sell or have sold personal horses in the past, have you turned down a sale because you did not feel comfortable with the home? I'm not talking about rescues where all homes have to pass muster. I'm talking about those of you who are in it to make money - where do you draw the line? Do you draw a line? Tell me specifically what you've seen someone do/heard someone say that made you say, I don't need the money that badly...they are just not getting my horse.
P.S. For those of you also in the PNW...OK what is with the weather? We had hail today. I got a lot done anyway but I am tired, look like something the cat dragged in and my hair is sticking straight up. I got through the Old Broodmare Deworming Rodeo (why are they all so darn beastly about it? Seriously, is it because nobody ever deworms their broodmares or what? My 23 year old was just a nitwit about it.) and tried to work with my three year old, but he had the attention span of a gnat due to the weather outside, and while hunt seat pads and polo saddles are fine, we determined that western saddle pads are vicious and will eat him. *sigh* Horses, gotta love 'em...
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:36 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
TGIF! What are your weekend plans?
Enough serious stuff! Spring is here, the weather is getting better and I'm guessing most of you have some horse-related weekend plans. What will you and your horses be doing this weekend?

Have a great weekend, everybody!
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 7:25 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
A few words about ostriches
I have mentioned the TB Friends blog here before. I don't know Joe personally, but he has been doing a very good job educating the public about horse slaughter and the perils of giving away horses for free since long before I came up with the Fugly blog. His blog is G-rated and suitable for kids, unlike this one, and his readership is full of people who aren't so sure they wanted to be educated - which is all the more reason the education is needed!

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:42 AM
Monday, March 24, 2008
More people the horse business doesn't need...
A ban on selling animals to a meat processor will "drive another nail in the coffin" of her business, Harmon says.

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 5:43 PM
Craig, I'm sorry, your list is getting too weird even for me...
Looking for a good spoonin' horse
Reply to: comm-614016505@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-03-21, 1:34PM PDT
I'd like to rent a horse for a couple of hours this weekend.
I won't need a saddle or anything, I really just want to spoon with it.
I'm not even sure if horses lay down, but if they do, I'd like to pencil in some stabel time for some horse spooning. Please let me know if this is possible. I just want to take a nap with it for a couple of hours.
thank you,
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 4:11 PM
Fugly, fugly, fugly horses of the day!
For those of you who hate it when I diverge into discussions on training and ethics and that kind of thing...today's blog is for you. An alert reader has found a veritable warehouse of Fugly Horses for our viewing, um, pleasure? And of course - you guessed it! - there is a "partial dispersal" sale going on with prices starting at just $450! FORTY HEAD are available. Forty head just like these...

*sigh* Another day, another forty or fifty head of completely unremarkable horses being dumped...
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 11:09 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Field of Starvation...another breeder bites the dust
This was forwarded around the Internet last week:

People! Your horses do not belong turned out with all kinds of crap that they can get hurt on.

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:40 PM
Wouldn't molasses on the bit have been easier?
An alert reader sent me this actual Darwin Award nominee. I wonder what happened to the poor horse?
I really think a minimum of two years of regular riding lessons that include instruction on safe horse handling and horse care in general should be mandatory before owning a horse - both for the sake of the prospective owner and the horse they will buy!
(8 March 2000, Nevada) On Thursday afternoon, 29-year-old Andrea was working with her young and spirited Arabian horse, which she had won in a lottery the previous year. The animal was only partially trained, and still a bit spooky. Every time Andrea tried to don its bridle, the horse threw back its head and frustrated her efforts.
Then Andrea had the brilliant idea of tying a rope around the Arabian's head, and fastening the other end around her waist to keep the horse from throwing its head back. That way, she would have both hands free to fasten the bridle.
But horses are 500 times stronger than people, according to Deputy Sheriff Lance Modispacher, who reported that the horse spooked again, threw Andrea off her feet, and began running around its paddock, dragging its erstwhile trainer by the rope around her waist. And the rope was short, so she was trampled right under the horse's feet as it ran.
Her father noticed the commotion and ran to help. Unfortunately his two dogs came with him, and started chasing the horse, nipping at its heels. This did not improve Andrea's situation. He finally managed to lock the dogs away and fetch a knife from the house. With the help of a neighbor, he chased the horse down and cut the rope, freeing the lacerated lass.
But Andrea had already spent ten minutes under the hooves of her horse, and she died a few hours later at a local hospital, a victim of internal injuries and head trauma, the result of her lamentable decision to tie herself to a skittish horse.
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:32 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Follow up on the double-decker accident horses from last year

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 9:20 AM
A Horse's View of Natural Horsemanship
For those of you who need a laugh this Friday morning, this was sent to me and I think it's a hoot! I do not know who wrote it, but you rock, whoever you are!

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:40 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Dallas County Auction Report

2) Ginny donkey NS at $300
3) Paint jenny mule 12 yr old well broke NS at $1200
4) Bay TB – type stud, bad tendon, NS
5) 3 or 4 yr old Dun mare, 15h, NS at $375
6) 1995 AQHA mare, rode quiet, NS at $1000
7) 3 yearling colts, $130 for all (FHOTD in: whoever bred these, I hate you.)
8) 2007 AQHA colt, HYPP N/H, NS
9) 6 yr old Palomino, big, NS at $900
10) 1985 Chestnut AQHA mare, $100
11) 2002 red roan AQHA mare, rode nice $185 12) Yearling colt, broke to ride, NS (pictured here)
13) 1986 AQHA mare $175 (pictured here)
14) 15.3h Chestnut gelding $200
15) 10 yr old buckskin gelding, 15.2, looked lame $650
16) 1986 Chestnut AQHA mare, $210
17) 5 yr old 15.2h Palomino AQHA gelding, pony horse at track, NS at $1600, owner wanted $2500 *this was a NICE horse*
18) 2007 AQHA yearling bay colt .. very homely looking
19) 2007 AQHA yearling bay colt, NS at $150, owner wanted $450
20) Lot of 3 AQHA pending yearling colts, all 3 sold for $180 each (FHOTD in: Yeah, you suck too, AQHA breeder asshat)
21) Blk/wht kid gentle APHA mare, 2003, 15h, cute and sweet $900 *also very nice*
22) Chestnut/white APHA paint mare, 1990, wind broke and bitchy, tried to buck, NS, owner wanted $500
23) 1985 AQHA chestnut mare $100
24) 2005 chestnut TB gelding, JC papers, 16h … really cute, and I think I heard he was a polo pony?? Would have bought him. $170 *polo pony*
25) 7 yr old AQHA gelding, 15h $700
26) Mini chestnut stud, rides/drives, 2005, $195
27) 2005 dun AQHA mare, $385
28) Bay yearling TB colt, JC papers, $175
29) 1985 AQHA roan mare, missing one eye, $160
30) Jack donkey $20
31) 2 yr old Half Arab tobiano filly, very small $160
32) 2001 AQHA and Foundation dappled grey gelding, 15.2h, very cute, NS at $750, owner wanted $1500 *gorgeous horse*
33) 20 yr old grade bay mare, beginner friendly $220
34) Grade bay mare, 2 yr old, $225
35) 2006 AQHA Palomino filly, small, NS, owner wanted $1000

38) Chestnut AQHA yearling filly, daughter of 1983 mare, homely $150
39) Grey TB filly, saddled but not ridden, about 15.2h, seemed very quiet and cute $375
40) Chestnut gelding.. no info, raffled off, ugly
Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 3:23 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Weirdest horse-related injury ever?

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 4:22 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Horse Sense: The horses aren't the ones who need it!

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 8:54 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
OK, fess up, were you just trying to make the blog today?

Posted by fuglyhorseoftheday at 11:29 AM